Columbia University GS [$50-110k debt] or Boston University [$17-26k debt] for Consulting Career

Hello everyone, please help me decide colleges. I posted a similar post a while back, but now I am between two schools (Columbia University & Boston University) and change in career interests (Management Consulting or Foreign Service Officer).

I’m a transfer student from a California CC, but I also did two years at a a liberal arts college in MA. I am interested in working in management consulting at a company like McKinsey, Bain, or BCG, or working in the US Foreign Services. I currently live in Los Angeles.

So here’s my dilemma I don’t know if the debt I’ll have to pay from Columbia is worth it, 50-110k in loans.

I’ll be listing the school, cost, why, and pros and cons, in order of ranking. Also, still not sure on what I want to do with my life.

Columbia University in NYC, my dream school since I was like 13. But it will probably be between 50k-110k in loans. National Ranking top 10 or 18.

Pros: Ivy League, NYC, reputation and prestige, incredible alumni network, a target school for Wall Street jobs, proximity to consulting NYC offices, top 20 colleges and universities nationally, name and brand recognition on resume, dream school, my resume will be read more than most other schools/applicants.

Cons: Student Loan cost (50-110k). I got into Columbia School of general studies, which is one of the 4 undergraduate schools at Columbia, which gives little financial aid and is the less respected by some, but, I can just say Columbia University on resume and not distinguish. Won’t have legacy for my children if I have any in the future, degree in English, both because of the School of General Studies.

Boston University: Loans 8.5 k per year for 2-3 years. National ranking like 41.

Pros: Good school, Financial Aid is amazing for a school that costs like 80k.

Cons: Leave LA, Not a super great school for salary after, less than my liberal arts school in MA, in Boston, not NYC, grade deflation, have to retake science, math, and other GE classes.

Cons for both: Losing my apt in Los Angeles, going homeless during the breaks. Sell my car/rent out car, major hit financially, loss 15-25k from car, or pay my car bill while in school, don’t know what to do with my car.

What would you choose, please help and give your insight/input. Thank you!


Columbia GS isn’t Columbia. It is but it isn’t and the odds of you achieving high level consulting is small.

The rest of your message troubles me.

You should find a Cal State or UC school out west.

But BU over Columbia but neither.

I think you’ve posted b4 a lot film school.


I remember your previous thread. Where have you committed?

As I said back in June, for your situation, Northridge >> BU >>>> Columbia CGS

If you have now ruled out staying in CA, then the answer is BU, hands down.


This is what I am thinking also.

First of all wrt to Columbia: The amount of debt is a huge risk. One big question that I have: Who is going to loan you this much money? It is possible to get part way through and discover that you just cannot borrow enough money to finish your degree. This seems like a former dream looking to turn into a nightmare in a hurry.

The debt for BU also worries me. Can you borrow this much?

I have only quite rarely had any interactions with management consultants of any kind (in the example that I can think of they were from one of the top firms). My understanding is that this is not an easy career to break into. Others might know better than me. This is also a big change from what you were thinking in your previous thread.

Do you have a third option?

What are you doing currently? Is this something that you can keep doing for another year while rethinking your options?



Agree with concerns of @DadTwoGirls bc


$100k in debt for a humanities/liberals art degree is not worth it, that’s assuming you could even get the loans to pay for it. Also, I would do a little re-thinking. Moving to the east coast for a “chance” to get into one particular occupation won’t go the way you think, and even if you do, chances are, you’ll hate it anyway. There’s literally thousands of things you can do with a business degree. Is there a way to transfer to a decent school in L.A.? The idea behind college is to get marketable job skills.


Not to be harsh, but getting a job at MBB as a junior transfer into Columbia GS as an English major is likely a very very long shot.


I don’t even understand how this is still a pending decision. Classes begin the day after Labor Day at BU and Columbia, and a week earlier at Northridge. At this point you should have deposited, to only one school, and registered for classes already.

I think requesting a deferral, wherever you have committed, and taking some gap time to figure out what you’re doing, probably makes sense. Because nothing about this plan to take on significant debt based on the almost-certainly-flawed premise that it will get you into MBB or a Foreign Service job, is really adding up. Have you studied this?

I still believe you’d be best off transferring to a public university in CA. There’s nothing magical about spending two years at an expensive, private, east coast school.


Agree that the correct answer is a UC at instate rates >>>>>>> BU >>>>>>> Columbia.

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