Columbia University Science Honors Program ENTRANCE EXAMINATION

<p>Okay, guys…I know you’ve probably got a /lot/ of questions like these but I’m really nervous for this. </p>

<p>Wiki says only 15% of the students get into the program; and while I’m not totally stupid, I still only have a very basic understanding of these things. I’m a freshman and am currently taking honors geometry, Chemistry and BioGenetics. ^^; No physics whatsoever. </p>

<p>Is there any advice at /all/ on how to study for this? Help is truly appreciated!</p>

<p>I’m taking the test in April and I’m kind of worried…mostly about the math section. as far as my background goes, I’ve taken all the way through AP bio and pre-calc honors, and then i am currently in AP chemistry. I havent taken physics yet and I’ve never done any of the AMC math problems before. what do you think I should to prepare? Is it a good idea to study some physics before hand, at least to get some understanding even though I havent taken the course? Thanks!</p>

<p>I took the test having only taken AP Bio and AP Chem. I didn’t know any AMC math (and math is not my strong suit), and knew nothing about physics. I’d suggest studying a tiny bit about forces, and how to read a weather map. But really if you’re good at science/math then I don’t think it’ll be a problem for you :)</p>

<p>I got in with no studying, and I’m pretty below-average compared to most people in the program at math. Yea, I get high As in my honors math classes, but I don’t know anything about advanced calculus. If you’re inherently good at sciences, you should be fine. By the way, I got in after sophomore year so I had taken no physics.</p>

<p>Wait do high school students take this or Columbia freshmen???</p>

<p>High school students</p>

<p>It’s not as hard as everyone makes it out to be.
I got in with math up to Algebra II and Biology as my only science :X</p>

<p>Just watch out for the last math section (akin to AMC math).</p>

<p>hi so to anyone that’s taken the test before or anyone that would know, are the tests the same for both testing dates? if so, they’re scored the same way correct meaning not a different amount for weighted portions?</p>

<p>Hey how do we pay the $20 app fee? It says it needs to be in by March 3rd. How do we do this?</p>

<p>once you’re finished your whole app, they’ll ask you for credit card info to submit the fee
hope this helped!</p>

<p>My guidance counselor said that I have to waive my right of seeing the recommendation she’s going to send. How do I waive the right? I’ve looked all over the application site and couldn’t find anything about it. </p>

<p>Is the SHP test all multiple choice?</p>

<p>you don’t have to waive the right i believe?
it’s under the recommendation link on the left side of the app screen</p>

<p>and yep, it’s 3 sections multiple choice</p>

<p>I heard the test isn’t suppose to be hard. I’m taking it on April 10th.</p>

<p>I still can’t find it. Dammit lol.</p>

<p>i’m gonna try to take it on the 24th so let us know how it is!
it’s the 5th link down i believe…</p>

<p>Could you please specify? I can’t believe I’m having trouble completing such a simple task lol. It’s not their. I’ll just tell my counselor that their is nothing I can do about it.</p>

<p>If anybody is still looking for the payment link . . .

  1. Finish the app and click submit.
  2. It will ask you the look at the paper copy. Do so. Then underneath you are told to choose payment type. Since it’s March 3 already, you will have to choose Credit Card as there’s no time to mail a check.
  3. It will take you to a Paypal like site. Pay and submit.</p>

<p>Good luck!
(on the test as well)</p>

<p>My friend somehow miraculously got in with Honors Bio and Honors Geometry. She’s a genius.</p>

<p>My guidance counselor is being a ***** and won’t send in a recommendation because of some stupid incident. However, my bio/chem teacher is willing to submit a recommendation. The only problem is that when I log on into my App, I can’t change the information saved in the recommender list. Help? lol</p>

<p>^ Anybody?</p>

<p>nvm i got it taken care of</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone taking the test. (Including myself)</p>