Just so we can all be updated! Looking forward to extending my limbo for several more weeks. Good luck to us all!
how are yall approaching the supplementary letter?
waitlisted here too!
Me too! Anyone here know how Columbia’s waitlist works exactly?
from what ive seen on the other discussions, there are multiple rounds of getting off the waitlist (around 3) starting from about may 15. time to dot our i’s and cross our t’s. i have no idea how many people are on the waitlist though!
True, i cant find much statistics on it but for some reason columbia waitlist is one of the more common ones ive seen.
any idea about how many people are waitlisted? good luck to everyone!!
I’m also on the waitlist. Does anyone know how many people Columbia typically accepts of the waitlist? Columbia is my dream school and I don’t know what I’m going to do if I’m not pulled off of the waitlist. I want to go there soooo bad
Has anyone already sent the supplementary statement? I’m really anxious about all this
@Ilovethesky Yup, I have. Me too; this state of limbo has been so overwhelming.
I sent mine in yesterday, the amount of soul and love i poured into it is scary to me haha
I also sent mine. I wanted to know if you are still able to sent other files, because in my portal it doesn’t appear anything like i submitted something. I just got an email
If you got the email I’m pretty sure they’ve received it. Check the FAQ or ur decision letter there must have been some basic guidelines there for the waitlist submissions.
Who is waitlisted for CC here?
@macaowllover how many words is your essay? They said one page, I did one page single space. Too much?
@DesiDancing waitlisted for CC!, around 620 i think. Mine was single space as well because it was very difficult to cut it down. It still fit on the single page though
How do you guys think the waitlist is going to go this year? I heard Columbia accepted about 200 kids more than usual but with Corona being a thing I’m uncertain on how that will affect waitlist admissions.
Around 220 I think, we really can’t predict anything but financial stability, visa problems, and the recent concerns re: Columbia with the Barnard student and the virus being heavily concentrated in NY may affect yield. They haven’t released any statistics yet either for ED or RD. I don’t think they accepted more ED students, so that’s why they may be concerned about yield. I honestly think that the yield and # of accepted students will balance each other out? So at the very least the regular movement may be expected. But if the effects of all these external factors really worsen over the next few weeks then
who knows, they really might pull more off the waitlist.
Where did you hear that Columbia is accepting 220 more students than usual this year?
It was in a Wall Street Journal article.