<p>My schools is basically asking us what schools we would like to go. And I don't want to say I want to go to columbia with a 0.0% chance. So here it is:</p>
<p>I am currently a sophomore. So haven't taken any APs. But some SAT practice tests</p>
<p>GPA: Weighted: 4.3+ UW: 3.83+</p>
<p>Predicted SAT scores (well superscore)</p>
<p>CR: 660
M: 800
W: 750</p>
<p>AP Classes:
AP US History, AP gov, AP English (both), AP Envrion Sci, AP Biology, AP Chemistry, AP Physics, AP Clac AB & BC, AP Marco & Mirco, AP Stats</p>
-NONE basically(will join Calculus Club, Photography Club, Chemistry Club, NHS, Anytown, and some others..)
I have some. But they aren't really like WOW (you know)</p>
<p>eh. chance it. ;)</p>
<p>Are a rising sophomore? Or are you a rising junior?</p>
<p>And also, no GPA listed?</p>
<p>updated it ^
Chance it?</p>
<p>Why are you concerned already and practicing for SATs? You’re only a sophomore you have all of junior year for SAT and college worrying.
Work on taking your challenging courses and doing well in them. Especially the one’s related to your prospective major and English class. The essay is really important and English is where you learn to make good words on paper. JOIN ECs. Seriously, EC are what kill a lot of top applicants at schools like Columbia, and don’t count some ECs out if you think they aren’t WOW, if you are passionate about them they are. Have fun, Sophomore year is great waaaayyy better than freshman year.</p>
<p>School. Asked. Me.</p>
<p>And I’m not going to say, I WANT TO GO TO COLUMBIA when my current chances are zero? You know what I mean? It’s so embarrassing. SO I want to have at least a itsy-bitsy chance of making it in with current standards</p>
<p>Haha alright, that’s better. You’re just a sophomore, so it’s kind of early to tell, but I’d say you have a good shot as of now. (Assuming you keep up a high gpa, have good SAT’s, and DO join those clubs you mentioned, and maybe get a leadership positition or 2)</p>
<p>Critical reading is a little low, but your math and writing scores make up for it.</p>
<p>I can see you being a strong candidate in a couple of years. :)</p>
<p>… and another thing:</p>
<p>“And I’m not going to say, I WANT TO GO TO COLUMBIA when my current chances are zero? You know what I mean? It’s so embarrassing.”</p>
<p>I completely understand what you mean; I wouldn’t dare mention that I want to go Dartmouth to anyone except a few select friends/ mentors. (and of course, the people of college confidential;)</p>
<p>Bandgeek1 is totally right about the EC’s though. Join them! They can be VERY important in your application… Try to get passionate about at least one of them, and be very active in it. :)</p>
<p>What’s the point of your school asking you if you’re only a sophomore? You should obviously be searching casually, but unless you go to a top high school, I don’t see why they’d care at this point since you haven’t had the chance to really do the things that colleges look at.</p>
<p>Anywho, if you don’t do some serious EC’s, then you probably have a .1% chance. As long as you start getting involved now though, you should get into the “crapshot” range like most other people applying to top schools.</p>
<p>Looking at your planned EC’s, it kinda looks like you have no idea what you wanna do. Most people use freshman year to join many clubs and then focus on a few throughout high school. Since you’re a bit behind on that, just join what you think you’ll enjoy and get involved as much as possible. Also, consider what you want to major in and do some EC’s relating to that.</p>
<p>As for your SAT’s and GPA, make sure that you get them as high as possible. You can’t really chance based on your GPA right now or projected SAT scores since they’re so prone to change.</p>
<p>To end on a more lighter note, you haven’t screwed yourself to the point of having 0% shot (like having a 2.3 GPA). Don’t worry what your school thinks about your choice of school. Just know that you’re still in a position to get enough EC’s in that you can be a competitive candidate in a couple years.</p>
<p>Point of the post: I wouldn’t feel stupid saying that I want to go to Columbia if I had your stats as a soph.</p>
<p>Thank you (:
I want to be passionate about Calculus Club and NHS (Like thersurer… Can’t spell sorry ): ) </p>
<p>And yeah. I feel so different since most people at my school wants to go in-state…</p>
<p>And highlander:
My school has this class and yeah. they asked us freshman year d: I said MIT that time… And I don’t think I should just say some school without research this year. SO I wanted a chance. </p>
<p>I think I’ll add my EC’s now. I have some. But not really impressive</p>
<p>Well don’t let the school get you worked up
I knew a senior who graduated this year who in December hadn’t taken the SATs or ACTs at all, had plans of applying to schools but didn’t know exactly where. (You probably don’t want to be that relaxed about it)</p>
<p>You definitely have the test scores and grades to get in (if that was the only thing considered). I can’t say though that you have the EC, essays, recs, and personality they are looking for though, no one can other than the admissions officer. I think you are within the range of acceptance academically, the other stuff I can’t judge.</p>
<p>EDIT: I feel where you’re coming from, Columbia is my dream school and only my parents and guidance counselor know it. I have just begun my SAT studying journey and it blows big ones.</p>
<p>CRAPP. Okay I can’t edit. So here is my EC’s</p>
<p>Academic Decathalon
Book Club
Math Club, placed gold in city
Math Club (switched schools)- President</p>
<p>You forgot you had EC’s!? And a leadership position!? -.- lmao, that’s alright. Stay in those clubs then! And be active in them too!</p>
<p>And you’re just a sophomore; stop worrying! It’ll get better. :)</p>
<p>My school had the budget crap and deleted most of the clubs. </p>
<p>So the math club is gone. ANd the book club changed teachers (who I personally despise). AcDec, I’m putting off a year.</p>
<p>This year I plan to join like journalism club, Anytown, and Calculus Club.</p>
<p>Might join debate…</p>
<p>Ahh… That really sucks
I know how you feel; my school has a “crap budget” too. Our budget is so low that we only have 3 AP’s! I absolutely hate it.
That’s the main reason I don’t think I’ll get into any selective schools. -.-</p>
<p>Unfortunately, I don’t know too much about Columbia, however, my school does have a pretty neat website that keeps track of the applications of its students over the last 2 years:</p>
<p><a href=“https://connection.naviance.com/fc/signin.php?hsid=aeshs[/url]”>https://connection.naviance.com/fc/signin.php?hsid=aeshs</a></p>
<p>I’m not sure if you can access it or not, but if you can, you can search scattergrams for the statistics of students accepted at any university that was applied to by a student from my school.</p>
<p>Columbia is on that list, and the average GPA of students accepted from my school unweighted was 3.97, and the average SAT was 2282</p>
<p>Unfortunately, there wasn’t a set pattern as even some of the best students with near-perfect GPAs and test scores were rejected, so I’d say a lot of it counts heavily on extra-curriculars.</p>
<p>Thankfully, you’re still a sophomore, so you do have 1 year to boost your application and take any standardized tests</p>
<p>Right now, I’d say if you could boost the GPA by maybe .05-.1, and get a 2250+ SAT or 34+ ACT, you’d have a fair shot.
It won’t be a guarantee, but you’d be in the running</p>
<p>Thanks guys. I agree, I need to raise the SATs to like a superscore of 2300+</p>
<p>But I’m taking the PSAT, so I’ll see how I do in a testing environment</p>
<p>Any other chances percentage? :)</p>
<p>I think your GPA is good, but you should work on your SAT’s, having a section in the 600’s doesn’t look good for an ivy. also for your EC’s, find something you really like and put a lot of effort in it. don’t just do a bunch of random clubs. you have a ton of ap’s, which is great. and you have plenty of time to study for the sat’s to bring it up those extra couple points. good luck! </p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1195423-enough-safeties.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1195423-enough-safeties.html</a></p>
<p>Agreed ^
I saw your SAT score. How did you score such a high score for CR and writing?</p>
<p>bump. seriously. I would like 5 or more people who says I have a chance. DOn’t wanna tell everyone just based off of a couple of people :P</p>