Combined scholarships?

<p>While UM wasn't my son's first choice, it is moving up the list fast as he realizes that mom and dad make too much to get need-based aid, but don't make enough to send him to his top engineering school (Cornell). Does anyone have experience in knowing what type of package may be presented? He doesn't want to get his hopes up given the price tag at UM. Our in-state schools are good, but not great in his field of engineering.
A few details:
National Merit Semi-finalist/ no reason to believe he wouldn't make finalist
SAT: 2280
ACT: 34
Unweighted GPA: 3.9; Weighted 4.4
All honors throughout HS
3 Dual enrollment classes (two classes of Calculus and Prob/Stats)
9 APs when finished with sr year (all 5s except AP Spanish, which was a 4)
Very active in community service, athletics, art and languages
Hispanic (probably doesn't mean much for those gaining entry to UM though?)</p>

<p>Thanks in advance for anyone who can give some insight.</p>

<p>My guess would be 24,000 plus a Singer/Stamps invite which could mean extra $.
Congrats…beautiful resume.</p>

<p>Yes - outstanding stats - concur with DinDune. And even if the Singer/Stamps doesn’t work out, UM has the Miami Grant (merit based) to use as an enticement to the students they really want. Apply EA for best $$$ opportunities.</p>

<p>So, Cornell is a bit stingy with scholarship/grant money?</p>

<p>Zinc, none of the ivies offer merit based scholarships, although I have heard of a few special grants from a couple of them.</p>

<p>Thanks for the insight. He is applying early based on feedback from UM engineering advisor so we’ll hope for the best.</p>