Commisserate here: Rejections...HS Class of 2008

<p>karenteic- I'm sorry about your D's rejection from Syracuse. Hopefully, she'll find a good school for her.</p>

<p>The list I posted this morning still stands; I have heard nothing from them.</p>

<p>First letter today of 5 schools for my D... Rejection from Elon. She took it well; she felt it was the audition that was her weakest. Doesn't help that every day the University keeps sending her admissions info! Still, I guess that will happen at each school regardless of what happens in the MT program... She still has gotten into the schools...</p>

<p>Oh well...</p>

<p>Sorry, snoggie, to hear the news from Elon. That was my D's first rejection too (in December) except it was one of her best auditions and she didn't take it that well! It's really hard to get the first letter as a rejection letter. I was totally freaked out that everything was over before we even began! And of course, I had to put a smile on my face and be as encouraging as I could without being unrealistic.</p>

<p>Something good is headed her way. You just have to hang in there even when you think you can't wait any longer. Good things do happen. We are a testament to that as of last night. The wait was agonizing. Best of luck to her.</p>

<p>Hello...thank you to all who have posted. I'm new to this process and appreciate all the comments that have eased anxiety during the past week. My S applied to BFA drama programs at CMU, Rutgers, SUNY Purchase, NCSA, NYU and Julliard. </p>

<p>So far rejections from Rutgers (letter arrived today) and did not get callback at Chicago unifieds for Julliard. We heard that offers have gone out from the remaining schools last week and since he didn't get any calls or letters, he's anticipating disappointment. </p>

<p>Unfortunately, he hasn't chosen any safety schools and from what I have seen on the boards nothing is a given with any program.</p>

<p>My S says he is fine with whatever outcome. I know it has to be difficult. </p>

<p>We all are positive that good things will still come regardless. Congratulations to all those accepted so far.</p>

<p>ProudDadFL -- I see this is your first post, welcome to the CC family! I know that there are so many of us parents who feel like this board really is like a family in many ways -- it's a place you can come to whenever you want to vent, worry, celebrate, and yes, sometimes commisserate. </p>

<p>I know I won't be the only one to tell you this, but truly -- hang in there!! It's not over 'til the . . . well, you know the rest. Even though kids have been posting results from some of the schools you listed, I know that there are at least several that really haven't even gotten started yet! </p>

<p>I guarantee that probably every parent on here has had those moments (or days, or weeks, or months!) when we've worried that our child wouldn't get in ANYWHERE. I've been worrying about it for two months, and my D just got her first acceptance this week -- to her first choice school! You just never know. So once again, hang in there! And know that you're always welcome to worry as much you need to on this site with the rest of us:)!</p>

<p>Hang in there! Even though it seems that "letters have gone out" from some schools, we have not heard from all of those schools yet, either. It really makes us nervous. . .What's with the mail, anyway????? There are some wise parents who reported that last year, when they were about to give up, a nice letter arrived with scholarship money no less. So, keep hoping!</p>

<p>FYI: All schools send rejection letters to those who they do not want. Some, like Rutgers, sends them out along with the acceptances--and we've seen on this site that Purchase, NYU, and NCSA have already sent out BOTH accepts and rejects. If you don't have a reject from those schools yet, then you still have a chance! CMU is another story. . .who knows what they do. . .</p>


<p>Thank you for your reassuring thoughts. Knowing that we are not waiting alone on pins and needles is acomforting thought.</p>

<p>Have a great weekend!</p>

<p>Official decision letters have not gone out yet from NYU. Letsfigureitout, where did you hear that NYU has sent rejections out? The only things to go out from NYU are the invitations to the Saturday in the Square event, which is an advance notice that an acceptance will arrive around April 1. These are sent early to a small percentage of accepted students, and they're sent early so that the students can make travel arrangements if necessary, for the event on April 5. There will be many kids who receive acceptance letters from Tisch who do not receive these invitations! Don't give up hope!</p>

<p>Agreed. NYU has not sent out any rejections yet to Tisch and those go out with the official acceptances close to April 1. Only invitations to Saturday in the Square have gone out and those are to a select subset of admitted Tisch applicants.</p>

<p>Sorry. . .I thought I'd seen something about someone NOT getting into NYU. . .but you are no doubt right and they will come later. I was just trying to say that you can't automatically think that because you haven't gotten that phone call, e-mail, or letter, you are automatically OUT.</p>

<p>I am new to this site. My S has auditioned to all the regular MT schools. We have not heard anything yet, but Elon said that they would post his status on March 15 on their "On Track" board. Though we have not received a letter, the board said "Congratulations, you have been accepted to Elon University with an un-declared major - Musical Theater". Does that mean he is in the program??? The snail mail has not arrived with an official notification.</p>

<p>Hopefully someone directly affiliated with Elon can answer your question. I do not have inside information. However, I have heard other students say that they were accepted to Elon, the university, earlier in the year and their status on that webpage also had "undeclared major - Musical Theater" and they hadn't even auditioned yet for MT. Therefore, I would conclude from that feedback from other applicants, that the notation you are seeing is ONLY an acceptance to the UNIVERSITY and not yet any notification of acceptance into the BFA. Unfortunately, the wording is ambiguous and you are not the first person I have heard who is wondering what it means. I am simply sharing what I have heard and that others had such a statement on their page prior to being admitted for a BFA and even prior to auditioning for the BFA and that it only is an indication of being admitted to the university (despite the wording being confusing).</p>

<p>Thanks for shedding some light on this. They should not word it that way.</p>

<p>I agree that the wording needs changing. On the one hand, it says "undeclared major" which indicates acceptance into the college only. But then it mentions MT which is ambiguous and confusing and could be interpretted various ways. I am just sharing that others have gotten that wording before any admission or even audition into the BFA itself, when they were admitted EA to the university. I also will share that I have heard that acceptances into the BFA in MT are first notified via a phone call. Elon has a bifurcated process and they accept into the college separately from acceptance into the BFA. I do hope some feedback will go back to them about the wording of the online notification because it is easy to infer you have been accepted for MT but I am afraid that is not what it means. That is not to say that your child will not be accepted into the BFA in MT but only that the notification online was for his acceptance to Elon itself, based on what I have heard (always check directly with the source).</p>

<p>RoraMom--post #272 was speaking directly to me. Thank you for helping me to remember something I already knew. My heart has been so heavy this week and I have cried a lot in private (maybe being almost 50 has something to do with it.) I have felt my D's stress, you can cut it with a knife, though she doesn't want to talk about it. At our house, it's the weight of not knowing where she is going, not having all the options on the table (I know, I know, at least she has some) and not feeling like the options she has are the ones she wants. She doesn't feel like any of her accepts are "her school." It's been compounded by the fact several of her friends got the Sat. @ the Square invite or have ED at Tisch, and knowing CMU Acting is out since we know through this forum that calls were made. Thanks to everyone for their encouragement and I'd like to add that MMC's letter was incredibly rude and thoughtless, even though it didn't affect us. Here's hoping happy thoughts for everyone still waiting--especially those waiting for any news at all.</p>

<p>lauriemom--No matter how much positive hindsight we have by the time we reach our 50s (in my case, I'm halfway through that decade now), it hurts like heck to be rejected by anyone or anything. And in the case of our children, they will move on from these hurts much faster than their loving parents. My D went through that horrible middle school time coming home crying from the Queen Bee nastiness often. When her 7th and 8th grade years ended, I realized I had the most glorious flower garden bordering our house. Everytime she came home hurt, I would go out and fill my Suburban with plants. I laugh now to think that the dianthus appeared the same time her size 38 D boobs did ahead of everyone else. And the glorious ornamental grasses sprouted along with her bad case of acne. MMCs letter prompted a whole area of beautiful butterscotch violas with a heavenly scent.
We are actually laughing at that letter now and had a great conversation about egos and how to dig down and determine if what we want so badly is more about ego than about what is best for us. I am sorry you are having a dark time, and I send you thoughts of irises, and my favorite, clematis.</p>

Your words are so beautiful and so kind. Thanks so much.</p>

<p>I think the online acceptance for Elon is for academic acceptance and shows the major you may have indicated when you applied. Unless things have changed, the MT acceptance would come separately. They just had the last audition on Friday, so I assume that they will be notifying people soon.</p>

<p>blank slate -- Your post was absolutely beautiful, humorous, and full of insight! How wonderful that you managed to deal with your stress by gardening rather than through food -- I can't stop eating the bag of leftover candy hearts from Valentines sitting on my desk. You'll have a beautiful garden, and I'll end up with a new waist size!:) I guess I'd better go fill my garden with flowers tomorrow and toss out the candy hearts. . .</p>

<p>yeah well I did that too. ha</p>