<p>So, does this mean that the musicals and such at IU also include BAs and kids who are, say, chemistry majors, as well as grad students? If so, that's great news for the BA kids and so forth, but not-so-great news for the kids in the BFA, I wouldn't think.</p>
<p>That is true Nash but on the other hand IU has an abundance of performance opportunities. One of the current BFAs there was asked about this and they said when you work aside MFAs it is a learning experience in itself. And a huge ego boost when you beat them out for a part.</p>
<p>My D got her first rejection from Penn State - only a day before she had two other auditions (for Millikin and Western IL), she was upset but she didn't totally loose moral. Millikin tells you the day you audition if you have been accepted, and she was, but now she is concerned that since the program is not as selective that she doesn't want to go. She also got a rejection from Viterbo. She's still waiting to hear from Webster and Western, but she is happy to still have Millikin as a for sure.</p>
<p>factfinder, I have heard really positive things about Milliken on this board and elsewhere. You might want to do a search of this forum and see what else has been posted.</p>
<p>MOAP -- I know your D and I think that with such a young BFA program, your D will break the BFA barrior and figure out a way to make it into the program sophomore year (if she decides to go to IU). Additonally, with such talent, BA or BFA -- there is no doubt -- she will perform.</p>
<p>Thank you Beach. I feel the same way. If she would want to reaudition for a BFA next year I know it would only be there. She is a sweet, generous, kind, loving, intelligent girl. And she is a riot to be around. To know her is to love her. Everything has really worked out in the best possible way.</p>
<p>I love reading about everyone who has fallen in love with IU! My husband and myself are IU grads and loved it there. Older d looked at the BA program because at that time the BFA MT program was in the works. She was told that she could do a drama BA with concentration in voice and dance...kind of creating a MT degree. Is that still the case? Then when the MT program did come to life, she could audition for that. I wonder how many of the current BA drama students ended up doing this...and how many filled the BFA MT program? Bottom line is IU drama and music departments are very highly thought of and highly respected. I know way back when I was there, the students who said they were music majors got the "wow" response! (We were not music or drama--business and optometry!!!) NO idea where the music gene came from...maybe it was the IU water!!!
IU is a wonderful school with one of the most beautiful campuses around. I enjoyed it so much, did the "greek life", enjoyed the basketball games...everything. We are excited that younger d (junior in hs) has IU on her list as a music performance major. It is on her list because of the endless opportunities to perform once you are in the program. I wish everyone the very best and hope all works out! Moap....I completely understand how your d feels! I felt the same way MANY years ago...something just lures you there.</p>
<p>Notfromme - My D's voice teacher is a professional opera singer. She has tried getting my D into opera but after seeing Aida and everyone dying she just said NO NO...I want Musical COMEDY! But when we were at IU and saw the theatre at Jacob...OH MY. That theatre is SO gorgeous. If being on stage was my thing I couldn't imagine not wanting to perform there.</p>
<p>Has anyone received rejection letters from Hartt yet? The school said they sent my D's "letter" out last Friday, but they wouldn't say if it was a rejection or an acceptance.</p>
<p>karenteic, I was looking over my D's shoulder :) while she was noodling around facebook and apparently some kids have gotten acceptances and some have gotten "no's" in the past few days, and all seemed to come (unless my quick spying is in error) via snail mail.</p>
<p>Millikin is not as well know as others but it does have a very good program with a great faculty and facilities. Millikin is not a CCM, NYU, UMich, etc. We all know that there is a handful of top elite programs. You said your D was concerned that Millikin was not as selective...if students refused to consider any but these few "top" programs, then there would not be enough room for the vast majority of the talented and deserving kids who were in the MT pool this year. Thank goodness there are other options! Millikin is one of many MT "diamonds in the rough" so don't sell it short. Millikin does not take everyone who auditions, and I know kids who were rejected there and from other schools, and they would be glad to have a spot in the MT program at Millikin! Being happy does not just depend on where you are; it is also about what you put into a program. After all, if a performer does not get cast in the lead of a new Broadway play, do they turn down a supporting role in a "less popular" show? Or do they use it to learn and grow, giving it 100% in hopes of it leading to future success! What is the saying? Shoot for the moon and you are sure to land among the stars? They cant all land on the moon (the CCM's, etc) but they can shine among the stars (including Millikin, etc!)</p>
<p>Sorry- this went in the wrong spot! It was intended to go under commisserate here after post #483.</p>
<p>Oh poo - I was hoping only acceptances letters had gone out on Friday from Hartt. I hadn't seen any rejection talk in the threads. This was one of the schools that my D might of had a chance at.</p>
<p>karen, I just PMd my D (I am at work and she is on spring break, at home) and she said that most of the kids reporting on Hartt in the facebook group got acceptances. So it is looking good! Hang in there!! :)</p>
<p>factfinder1 - my D and I have heard only great things about Millikin too and, like mesmom says above, it may just not be as well known yet. Remember, some programs for one reason or another just get more buzz, but this really does not mean a whole lot in the broader scope of things. Like NMR suggested there have been quite a few posts about Millikin in the past on this forum that may warrant a search. That way you may be able to get the name/email of a current student/parent and get their input as well.</p>
My older d's vocal coach in college is an IU grad...opera! He is amazing and still very active in performance as well as gracing those fortunate few as a teacher! Needless to say, he speaks very highly of the program. The theater is amazing...acoustically amazing too.<br>
I am so glad to see that those who did not get into the BFA MT program were given another route to take...and a good one at that!
I wish everyone well during such an incredibly trying time. I remember it being such an emotional roller coaster.</p>
<p>I'm hoping everyone finds their fit. It looks like we just have a few more schools left on here and hopefully all this waiting for decisions will be over by next Monday. I know it's been said a gazillion times by now but it really is true there is more than one way to succeed in performing arts. I also have found that some of my greatest successes didn't come by the easy route. Sometimes it started out with some curve balls and reverting to Plan B. Maybe you have to pay the extra price to really enjoy the success more. But no matter what if you want something with all your heart and work hard there is going to be no stopping you. </p>
<p>My D now teases me when I am at my computer asking if I am chatting with my "friends" at CC. And that is what you have been. I am so glad I found this place and shared all the excitement and the anxiety and the agony with you. You are a great group - kids and Moms and Dads.</p>
<p>Heard from Wagner about 2 weeks ago. My daughter was called first and then the paperwork came</p>
<p>Ksunseri, do you mean to say that your daughter got into Wagner? If so, this is the wrong thread. This is the "share your bad news because it hurts less when you share" thread.</p>
<p>I had to finally call Wagner. They were giving me the run around... "oh, let me see what happened to your letter, it was a really competitive year for transfers,"etc I said, "listen I'm a big girl and so is my D. Just tell me." And then they said "she didn't make it, and please hold on so we can be sure you get sent a letter." Like who cares whether or not she actually physically holds the 'no-thank-you! Oh well, at least that one is now a known... one more to go and at this rate she doesn't expect to get into Hartt..I am still ever hopeful.</p>