Commit to a school before the revisit day, Good or bad idea?

I would like to pay the deposit required as I already know the school we like though we will be attending the revisit day. We won’t change our minds. Do they know who has already signed the contract and who has not on that day? I just want to be taken serious in case I have a question. Do they treat those two groups different? Or has anyone here once attended the revisit day while already signed the contract? That should be my question.

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I don’t believe they’re aware—maybe the admissions officials are, but certainly not any teachers, parents, or students you’ll be interacting with.


Thank you for your reply! I just want to pay and done with it…but I was worried that they will be like we have already got you so why do we have to impress you anymore?

The likelihood of that happening is below 0.


No one is trying to trick you into joining their school. Honestly I don’t think it matters either way.


There is no need to wait if you are certain of your choice. This will allow you to use the revisit as a means of gathering information for next fall. Nothing wrong with that.

I would guess that nobody you interact with will know that you are committed unless you tell them.


I had the same exact thoughts. Thank you for asking!!!

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Well, we thought we knew the school we would pick but we changed the mind at the very last minute…Our daughter hasn’t discovered yet what her strengths are and we picked a school because I heard them emphasize about that. That was what sold me… i thought I had a school in mind and almost paid the deposit but we went completely to a different route. After she got off the WL on two more schools it made us start looking for all the schools over again.

We left other schools that we sensed all or most of the students seemed to already figured it out who they are. We picked a “happy school” (this school the kids were genuinely happy), so after I heard them talking about many kids went there not knowing their strengths yet that made me to love the school more.

Our daughter is good with math, science and coding but never participated in any competition. She is a very good artist and writer too, but no any recognition on those. She plays piano, flute and saxophone and play tennis and swimming for sports but none of these she has reached to the best levels yet… Oh! And she is a comedian too. She once did a standing up comedy for her talent show…So you can tell she’s still all over and still trying to figure out what she would like to do with her life but she already received three scholarship awards from 3 different universities here. One is a full ride scholarship and the other two are to cover the tuition cost only…Those are the only things I can really say she has been awarded so far.

So we went for a day school and indirectly her dad won. He was the one who wanted the day school and I wanted her to have the boarding school experience but the revisit day in these schools really let me observe many things beyond the school ranks.


That’s interesting!! Good thing you didn’t pay before the revisits. Is she a day student at a boarding school? Or it’s just a day school.

Yes, I was about to pay and then we received the email and the call from different boarding schools that she was wait listed but we did not pick any of these schools but they made us to rethink everything again. No, it is an all day school.