Common App Essay Topic Question

<p>I did my applications for University of Wisconsin schools a while ago (I live in Wisconsin). Now I started to work on the Common Application. I was wondering if I could use my essay from the UW prompt for the common app. The question I answered in that essay was:</p>

<p>"The University values an educational environment that provides all members of the campus community with opportunities to grow and develop intellectually, personally, culturally and socially. In order to give us a more complete picture of you as an individual, please tell us about the particular life experiences, perspectives, talents, commitments and/or interests you will bring to our campus. In other words, how will your presence enrich our community?"</p>

<p>I wrote an essay answering this question from a few different angles. Would this essay topic work? Is it okay that I don't focus on one experience, but use several experiences? Also, is it long enough (it's 520 words). The essay has done well for all the Wisconsin schools I've applied to, but I'm wondering if it would be sufficient for Ivy League schools.</p>

<p>Thanks for the help,

<p>P.S. Would anyone care to critique it?</p>