Common App: First Choice Major Entered Wrong!

Help, in a panic…just realized I selected as my First Choice Major - Applied Mathematics, Engineering, Physics (College of Letters and Science) when I meant to select: Engineering, Mechanical (College of Engineering)…very upset and complete Fail on this. So my question is this: IF I am accepted for enrollment, am I able to transfer to the College of Engineering?

You might give them a call and hopefully it’s not too late to reconsider your application for a major in COE. Transferring into engineering is harder than transferring from Engineering into L&S.

Just an update for those following…called Admissions this morning and they were Wonderful to work with. Very understanding; I just need to send them an email with the request. This is unlike other Universities such as Georgia Tech, where you cannot change/update after initial application. Kudos to Madison!

@CaseHopes - you might keep that other major as a second choice? Or are you full steam ahead on COE?

Good question…I elected to keep that major as a second choice. In some aspects they are similarly aligned, just a different end-game focus.

@CaseHopes Good thinking - keeping that major as 2nd choice covers the bases and increases the likelihood of being admitted to UW-Madison.

Easy to transfer out of engineering into L&S later on if that better fits your then goals. Still will take the same classes first year. You do need to declare your major to graduate, but that is semesters away so plenty of time to finalize changes to L&S if wanted later.