Common App: "Regardless of your answer to the prior question, please indicate how you identify"

I am a Hispanic student with family from Central America and Spain. </p>

<p>On the Common App, I checked off "Yes" to whether or not I was Hispanic, and after being asked from where, which I checked off Central America and Spain, the following question says:</p>

<p>"Regardless of your answer to the prior question, please indicate how you identify yourself. (Select one or more)
American Indian
Native Hawaiian

<p>I am not sure which one I check. Do I check off white? When I check off white, it then says: </p>

<p>"Which best describes your white background:
Middle East
Other (and then write that country)"</p>

<p>**So, what do I do with that second question regarding Indian, Asian, Black, Native Hawiaan, or White as a Hispanic student?</p>

<p>Yes, your race is White as a Hispanic. It looks like you could either check Europe (because of the background from Spain) or possibly Other (because of the Central American background- is that of Indigenous Indian?)</p>