My son has loaded all the info into the Common App and he is ready to submit. For each college, he is getting a message that Activities are missing. He has 9 activities in the appropriate section. Any idea what is going wrong. He has shutdown the computer and changed web browsers but the problem has not gone away. Help!
I think you can see the draft PDF before submitting. Look at that and see if they are showing up there.
In the form, have him look for the green checks and red x marks. There is probably something overlooked, too many characters or words, or something copied and pasted funny with hidden formatting code and it is creating an issue. In MS word, you can use the clear formatting options to get ride of some extra hidden formatting code before copying over to the text boxes.
Thank you for responding! I poked around and didn’t find anything obvious until I realized there were 10 spots for activities and I only filled in 9. Once I deleted the extra, I got the green check!
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