Common App test score requirement... (Please some help before I send it out!!)

<p>SO the ACT test score section (ON THE COMMON APP.) asks for your highest ACT scores from any sitting. My reads as follows...</p>

<p>ACT Comp.-31 English-32 Math-34 Reading-29 Science-27 [Writing-8]</p>

<p>While every single subscore and the composite all comes from one testing, the writing actually comes from a previous testing, in which writing was the only section that i performed worse on upon the second testing... following me???</p>

<p>Well Im sending that info to ND, a school that doesnt require the essay score. I am still going to send this score {[Writing-8]}, because its through the common app... SOOO my question is...</p>

<p>DO I HAVE TO verify that writing score by sending my first testing from the ACT, or since they don't require it, do i still have to verify it if it is listed on the Common App? I was thinking I could just send the {<a href="32">31</a>(34)(29)(27)}. Would this be permissible????</p>

<p>Thanks for your time... a sufficient answer, and Ill respond to you guys!!! thanks!!!</p>

<p>bump please!!</p>