Common App. WON'T Let Me Submit!

<p>So, I finished my application for a college that requires two recommendations. Both were sent by mail to that specific college. I sent one more to them through the common application. But now when I submit the application this pops up:
"Please identify the teacher(s) who will be completing the Common Application Teacher Evaluation on your behalf for this institution." I sent one online but it needs one more. But I submitted two through mail (so I have a total of three submitted). It won't let me submit common application unless I send one more online!</p>

<p>What should I do as it's too late to have another teacher send one through common app. and I have three sent already anyway when they only need 2?!</p>

<p>A little confusing but I need help getting past this obstacle as soon as possible!</p>


<p>No need for a reply. I figured it out. for future reference:</p>

<p>All you do is invite another teacher and leave the e-mail section blank. Then add them and you now have another teacher counting towards the total number of recommendations sent to the college. Just make sure the teacher you included w/out the e-mail address really sends a recommendation to the college by snail mail ;)</p>