Common app word count for why transfer essay.

<p>Do you think 795 words is too much? I mean I feel like each word is needed and important kind of :O...</p>

<p>Yes. Keep in mind that admissions committees have a lot of applications to read. Imagine an admissions rep reading your application at 2am after reading 30 or more before it. Will s/he feel that every one of those 795 words are important? Or will s/he want to throw your application into the fireplace?</p>

<p>ok well how about ~750? I do have to write another essay for the supplement and that essay is ~550-750 words limit. But I wrote about 750 words.</p>

<p>How important do you think the essay will be to your application? If you think it will be important (i.e. your grades are just okay or you are transfering from a cc or uni with a bad rep) then you should make an effort write a very kickass essay in 500 words or less. If your other stuff is enough to get you in and the essay is just a formality, then I guess it doesn’t matter.</p>

<p>Don’t let people push you. Anything just around 2 pages double spaced is fine. I know you think EVERY word is important, but make sure there is ONE common theme running through your essay and that it progresses - for example, you don’t want to list out all your awards or repeat yourself and dwell on one point too much - the second example is a pitfall of mine.</p>

<p>That being said, aim for 2 pages. A little over is fine, but no more than 2 1/4. Just make sure you really have something to say in that extra space.</p>

<p>For clarification,</p>

<p>What range should one shoot for on their “why transfer” essay. I was under the impression that ~850 words is fine. Now I’m starting to think otherwise…</p>

<p>Can any college reps, admission offers, or any1 with transfer experience shed some light on this?</p>
