Common Application Teacher Recommendations?

<p>My teachers are requesting that I give them the recommendation forms on paper instead of them completing them online.</p>

<p>I have found the necessary forms, so if I'm applying to 6 different colleges using the CommonApp, I print out 6 copies of the recommendation form and have the teachers complete it 6 times?</p>

<p>Does this mean that all of the colleges use the same recommendation form and that a teacher could just photocopy their recommendation 6 times?</p>

<p>I'm rather confused at the recommendation process.</p>

<p>Thanks for any help.</p>

<p>Just get your teachers to photocopy six copies of their recs. Edit: after all, the whole point of the common app was to reduce the amount of forms, essays, etc. you have to fill out</p>

<p>so it's ok to do the common app online, and then the recommendations on paper?</p>

<p>Toast, Yes, many schools send the recommendations separately from your HS anyway. They usually go along with your transcript that guidance send out.</p>

<p>I noticed somewhere on the common app website that says if you submit the app online, submit payment and supplements on line. If on paper, submit the above mentioned on paper. It does NOT however mention that lts of rec need to be submitted on line.</p>

<p>It says that the school forms have not been submitted, but my teachers mailed the recommendations a month ago. Is this a problem?</p>

<p>I’m still a little confused by the Common App process, if the teachers submit their recommendations online via the Common Application, do i still have to give them addressed envelopes to mail the recommendation to the college or does the recommendation get to the college online?</p>

<p>Answers to most of your questions and many others appear in the post cited below. Good luck with your applications!
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


Does this mean that all of the colleges use the same recommendation form and that a teacher could just photocopy their recommendation 6 times?


If they’re Common App schools, yes.</p>


so it’s ok to do the common app online, and then the recommendations on paper?




It says that the school forms have not been submitted, but my teachers mailed the recommendations a month ago. Is this a problem?


No. Get used to it, because will never recognize that your school forms were mailed. Makes no difference, as long as the college receives the forms.</p>


if the teachers submit their recommendations online via the Common Application, do i still have to give them addressed envelopes to mail the recommendation to the college or does the recommendation get to the college online?


If they submit their recs online, the recs will be supplied to the college online – not by mail – so no envelopes required.</p>

<p>why would you have to have the teacher photocopy it 6 times or whatever.
Im not sure but i think it says on the common app website that once a form is sent in, multiple colleges will be able to see the one form. So wouldnt that mean that they teacher only has to send in one?</p>

<p>and when does the common app teeacher recc form come up for the 2010 kids?</p>

<p>^If you do it by mail, you/the teacher send a recommendation to each college. If you do it online, the teacher submits one recommendation to the Common App database, and each college can access it there.</p>

<p>The new forms will come out in the summer.</p>



<p>My D is a Junior, she wants to have her current history teacher do a rec for her. The problem is that he may not be here next fall. He’s at the bottom of the seniority list, and there are potential layoffs. She knows this, so she was planning to ask him in May if he’d do a rec for her. We were going to do it on paper, and it would stay on file in Guidance and they’d just make copies and send them out. But D met with her GC today, and they are pushing the kids to have the teachers submit the recs online. </p>

<p>1) The 09-10 forms aren’t even available yet. If we print one out, it will say 08-09 on top, I just hope they don’t change the forms.</p>

<p>2) I can’t see how the online thing will work for us if she asks the teacher for a rec now and he’s gone next fall. We don’t know definitely which schools she is applying to, and the forms aren’t available yet anyway.</p>

<p>We can’t ask the teacher if he knows if he’ll be here next year or not… awkward.</p>

<p>So I think we have to go the paper route. Does that sound right?</p>

<p>I don’t know much about the commonapp but couldn’t you ask him for maybe a phone number or e-mail address in which you can contact him later this summer for a recommendation? I would assume that the commonapp would put up the 2009-2010 application during the summer. You could say she wants to get working on applications this summer so she isn’t consumed with it during school in the fall. Then you can avoid the question about if he will be there or not. Just a suggestion!</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Don’t assume simply that the versions will not change :o</p>

<p>That is a preliminary–so as a disclaimer, watch out, in case they do change any contents.</p>

<p>Hi-I’m not sure how to phrase this, but here goes. A teacher agrees to write a college recommendation for online submission of the Common App. Is the student obligated to disclose all colleges applied to? Will the teacher get notified every time the recommendation is sent to another school? Is it possible to start the application with a list of a few schools, and then once the recommendations are submitted, add additional schools. Is there anyway to block a teacher from finding out what school is applied to? I know this sounds weird…</p>

<p>I’m wondering, will the commonapp let me use one teacher for all colleges and let me pick which teacher’s to use for the second rec? I want to switch btw. my bio and chem teacher for my 2nd rec.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I have a question regarding the “grace period”.
My entire application is submitted through the CommonApp except for ONE of my teacher recommendations…We are now on Winter Break and won’t return to school until January 3rd. However, the letter is due on January 1 for ED2. This teacher said she would complete my letter by December 27…it is now December 28 and she still has not submitted my letter. </p>

<p>If she perhaps “forgot” about writing the letter and I remind her Monday, will the college still accept the letter 2 days late?!</p>