Communication and public relations double major? or is that redundant?

<p>I just finished my first semester at SJSU, and I am currently undeclared. I'm really looking into communications and public relations. I dont know if PR is really for me, im not a social buuterfly and I know you need to have connections, but I still really find it interesting and I like how communications will give me many options. I'm thinking either a double major in the two or major in communications with a minor in PR. What do you guys think? I hear my school has a really good PR department. Is double majoring hard? My uncle did one from a CSU East Bay (sociology and english literature) and he said it was easy but I know a lot of people say its difficult and time consuming..</p>


<p>The difficulty of double majors depends on the school, the majors chosen and your own interest/aptitude for the subjects. </p>

<p>The ‘pushy’ element of networking can be learned. See if your college offers any workshops on presentations, self confidence etc. And/or get involved in some kind of student business club which aims to run its own business for profit.</p>

<p>If you’d prefer to be a more office based ‘ideas’ person, how about marketing or advertising? Communications is a bit of a ‘fluffy’ degree. English? English Lit?</p>