
I have always really loved UA and have been planning to apply there for quite some time. I’m interested in the Honors Program and am looking to major in Communications (journalism). I haven’t heard much about how the communications school is, which is really the only thing holding me back from applying this second! Does UA have a good program in that area? I know that just because it isn’t a well-known journalism school, doesn’t mean it isn’t bad! The only thing that I can think is that since it’s not near a large city like NYC or LA, there aren’t as many opportunities during the school year for internships, etc. However, I’d hate to cross UA off of my list!

<p>PRWeek named UA’s Pulic Relations undergrad program as top in US this year. I imagine that the entire school of COmmunications is top-notch.</p>

<p>The PR ranking is a MAJOR determining factor in my daughter’s choice to attend 'BAMA.</p>

<p>Visit the school and schedule a visit with the faculty. You will NOT be disappointed.</p>

<p>If you are now a HS senior, you will be a freshman with my DD!!!</p>

<p>Thanks so much! I really love the school from everything I’ve read and seen and heard about it, so I have a feeling that I’d love it in person as well! And yes, I’m a HS senior looking to apply for Fall 13!
Completely different from my previous question, but I’m from a larger city up north - is UA in the deep south? Would I have a hard time adjusting? The campus looks gorgeous and it seems like I’d love it there, but I wasn’t sure what the surrounding area is like.</p>

<p>I think I read that over fifty percent of this year’s freshman are from Out of State…I know there are lots from the Chicago area, the east coast, etc…so I am sure you would “fit in.” </p>

<p>You should check out the School of COmmunication’s pages on UA’s website. I seem to remember that UA has a radio station that is state-wide or some-such-thing. Also, they are VERY tied in to the newpaper industry, with a faculty member who’s family owned a major paper in the state…many internship opportunities, as well as the ability to learn on campus. I think you’ll be impressed.</p>

<p>Oh, that makes me feel a lot better! </p>

<p>I just did and it looks great - definitely making me really excited to apply! Thanks for your help!!</p>

<p>TXArchitect and Kelly1234 ,</p>

<p>Hey ! I’m from Saint Louis and it’s about 10 hours away. I’m very nervous but also verrrrry excited . I’ve gotten my official acceptance and I’ll be a PR major also fall 2013 :)</p>

<p>ooohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! You and my DD will be in PR together!!!</p>

<p>PM me and I will put you in touch with my daughter. VERY EXCITING!!!</p>

<p>i was accepted for 2017 and visitied last week and they said that the communication department was second best in the country after NYU, I’m also doing communications so this really stood out to me!(:</p>

<p>Actually, I think NYU is a GRADUATE level program…so that means that Alabams’s undergrad program is the best UNDERGRAD program in the US! (As recognized by PRWeek)</p>

<p>UA may be in the South but it doesn’t seem like it with all the students from all over the country. I personally love the South, but we are from Rhode Island so we are really far away. I’m so glad my son is there now. It’s a great place to be. Especially on a night like tonight when the Crimson Tide crushed Michigan!</p>

<p>We are from STL also, and our son just started his Freshman year. Overall, we could not be happier with the choice. So much to love, and the facilities are top-notch, especially the housing options. Look around, you won’t find many (if any) better.</p>

<p>*is UA in the deep south? Would I have a hard time adjusting? *</p>

<p>UA is in a medium-to-large size city, Tuscaloosa. Such ciities will be like any similarly-sized city nearly anywhere in the country. People are from everywhere. The stores and restaurants will include many of the same that you’re used to, with some regional chains as well. </p>

<p>The freshman class is actually 60% out of state. The entire school is around 50% OOS. </p>

<p>The more rural cities will appear to be more “Deep South,” but not T-town.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for all of the help! I’m really glad UA was on my list before I chose my major and that it worked out so well! I’ll definitely be applying this week!!</p>