Community college during summer

<p>i’m a sophomore
my gpa aint that great and by the end of my junior year i will have taken 3 weighted uc gpa classes… i am thinking about maybe taking a class at a cc. would that be uc weighted?? so an a for 5?? also if i did that during the summer, what class would you reccomend me take thats easy fun i learn and i can get an a</p>

<p>Well... CC classes are just like high school classes. In fact, I'd say they're easier. So just choose one that you like!</p>

<p>For example, when I took Calc over the summer, my professor TOTALLY let me use notes on all of my tests. AND for every error I corrected, I got half of my points back for that problem.</p>

<p>When I took Calc at my school, it was no notes. No extra credit for test corrections. D:</p>

<p>And then when I took Philosophy... it was no homework. Lectures + Tests + Midterm + Final... and the professor went over EVERYTHING (all the test answers as well).</p>

<p>I believe college courses are weighted. But I didn't use them -- I had more than enough AP classes. D< Rawr.</p>

<p>(I don't recommend higher level math -- anything beyond Alg. II. It's not a good idea; you'll miss out on essential info. I ended up taking Calc over again at my school because LO AND BEHOLD, I didn't know what integration was. Oh, and I STILL don't know how to do matrices! Lol. e_e; I also don't recommend science classes -- not enough time to cover all the material.)</p>


<p>well i am taking pre cal this year as a sophmore, and i got a c+ first semester, and will probably get a c- second semester, i get bs on most of the test, but i bombed one test first semester, and i just got a 45% on one this semester, so i'll probably get a c again.. i know the math prety well thoughj, but i planned on taking stats next year, and then no math senior year or possibly ap calc.. could i take pre calc over summer at jc and get as maybe or atleast a b, and then that would review it and make me understand it more so i can take calc my jr year?? also would that be weighted, like b=a?? i am only scheduled to take 3 weighted courses through junior year, so i still can do one more for uc.. would that be wise??</p>

<p>can i have advice on what to do?? i plan to major in business, how high does math go in college?? would taking stats and then no math be really bad?? that would up my low (right now terrible gpa) by a lot cus stats everyone gets as and its really eeasy. and i can focus on other classes.</p>

<p>please give me advice on what i should doo!! thanks!!</p>

<p>You could re-take the pre-calculus class over the summer at a CC and try to up your grade. I do believe that would be viewed favorably by the UC's. As for other classes, what subjects do you enjoy? Try ratemyprofessor(dot)com to find out about what professors to take. Maybe take the math and public speaking or film history.</p>

<p>Well my weighted GPA right now after one semester of my sophmore year is a 3.0. So should I retake it over the summer and then take Calculus next year? Or maybe now I am thinking of taking stats (easy A) junior year so I can get an A and have it be easy so I can focus on other classes. Retaking PreCal over summer jr year so i can review for calc and then take calc senior year. Advice?</p>