Community college question

<p>I'm currently a senior in high school and I'm filling out an application for a community college so I can take a class over the summer (I'm going to UCLA in the fall).</p>

<p>The application asks "Are you currently enrolled in another college in addition to the (community college name) that you are planning to attend?"
I'm not really sure if I am technically enrolled at UCLA yet or not.</p>

<p>Call and ask 'em. It’s not a huge deal one way or another for a comm college. It’s just a data point for them</p>

<p>I’ll do that, thanks!</p>

<p>Sent from my SPH-L710 using CC</p>

<p>You are not currently enrolled at UCLA. In fact they have only provisionally accepted you, and that acceptance becomes final only after they get your final HS transcripts and check thru them. Your status now is “planning to enroll in the fall”.</p>

<p>Its smart of you to be checking, though.</p>