Community service project.

I would like to start/head a community service project for community service hours. Any ideas on what and how to implement one?

There are plenty of existing projects that need help. Get involved with one of them. Starting clubs and projects does not really impress admissions boards as every other high school student claims that.

I agree with KKmama. There are lots of non-profits out there. Find one that has a mission you care about and volunteer there on a regular basis. It will soon be apparent that there are many unmet needs in the organization that you can help with. Be that prized volunteer who sees what is needed and has the creativity and initiative to find ways to address the need. For example - a clunky or inadequate website that you can improve on, manual processes that could be automated, data that should be collected and analyzed but isn’t, a gap in the program offerings that some other organization might be able to fill, assistance with fund-raising - really, any challenge facing the organization can be an opportunity. Think about what you are good at and how you can use it as a force for good. And don’t think in terms of hours - think about impact. Your goal is to make a difference.

Start by asking if this is what you REALLY want.

While interviewing students who claim to “start” some project, I ask why they didn’t simply join other existing, similar groups and utilize energies that way rather than seek the “founder” title.

Another sure tell of a resume padder? “What’s your succession plan? Which underclassmen are you handing off your project-which-I-must-do-because-I’m-so-PASSIONATE-about-it? Oh? You have none? That’s interesting…”

I’m not trying to rain on your parade. But test yourself with these two items. Do you really simply desire a “leadership vehicle” for your resume? Or do you really want to serve? If so, why not as a general member? Why must you be the leader?

I think I’d faint if someone sincerely crowed about a years long dedication to a service project and never aspired to grab a “leadership” position.