Community support

<p>I just got back from taking D to Nashville to run the 1/2 marathon with the Honors college running club. The club has been training together and with Dean Sharpe for the last 4 months, and while the planned UA Van caravan to the race was canceled, most of the kids got there on their own.</p>

<p>I held a Bama sign supporting the runners all through the race and I lost count of the people shouting Roll Tide! And these were not all Bama fans. I had more than one Auburn fan approach me to ask about the kids and where to send donations. </p>

<p>As heartbreaking as the situation is for the Alabama residents and the UA community, there is an outpouring of sympathy from everywhere right now. Have you experienced the same?</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Roll Tide!
Flying my Bama flag out front proudly!</p>

<p>I have been quiet these last few days dumb from the devastation of last weeks storm. I am still scheduled to fly in to Birmingham this Friday and share the drive back to Ohio with my son. I am so very proud of the students that have stayed behind to help the community. </p>

<p>A few years ago my son (and our family) participated in an urban food distribution event in Chicago,IL. My son knew he had to help those families most impacted by the storm. He contacted Convoy of Hope who already had trucks headed toward Tuscaloosa. My son spear headed and organized the food distribution with Convoy of Hope. Calvary Baptist Church agreed to allow their south parking lot as a staging area when the Convoy of Hope trailers arrived. Calvary members jumped in the help as well. Thanks to ALL the students that were able to stay in Tuscaloosa and are volunteering. </p>

<p>Here is a video of our student’s in action: [UA</a> students pitch in after semester gets cut short | News | Tuscaloosa News](<a href=“]UA”></p>

<p>A facebook page “Tuscaloosa Tornado: What you can do” has been created to document my son’s service project with Convoy of Hope. This page is updated multiple times a day with front line photos and personal stories that these student volunteers have seen and heard.<br>
Please take a few minutes to view this page. If you decide to “like” the page, please consider asking all your facebook friends to view the page and encourage them to “like” it too. </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>Amazing work your son and fellow volunteers are doing - you must be so proud!
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Yes, the kids have been helping victims find items that weren’t destroyed in the rubble and working as interpreters for the Hispanic community members who were affected.</p>

<p>momof3boyz, my daughter came home on Friday, but went back this morning to serve this week. Today, she provided childcare for volunteer workers at Calvary Baptist Church. Calvary has been wonderful to these students who are willing to serve. She loves her Tuscaloosa church! Kudos to your wonderful son for spearheading this wonderful effort!</p>

<p>I’ve been so impressed with all of the efforts of our students and the community. Here’s a blog post about the Greek Relief Effort [AFLV:</a> UA Greek Relief](<a href=“]AFLV:”>AFLV: UA Greek Relief) </p>

<p>Also, the Crimson White has done an excellent job with their articles and Twitter Feed. Talk about some real world training!</p>

<p>And in the oddest story I’ve seen yet, celebrity support comes to Tuscaloosa in the form of Charlie Sheen: <a href=“[/url]”>Charlie Sheen lands in Tuscaloosa; meets with Mayor Walt Maddox (video) -;

<p>I suppose in light of the Osama news, it’s good that someone is keeping Alabama in the national spotlight, but how…interesting.</p>

<p>Here’s some video of Charlie Sheen, who seems surprisingly normal! [YouTube</a> - Charlie Sheen Visits Tuscaloosa, AL](<a href=“Charlie Sheen Visits Tuscaloosa, AL - YouTube”>Charlie Sheen Visits Tuscaloosa, AL - YouTube)</p>

<p>While I am no Charlie Sheen fan, anyone who takes the time to promote our cause can"t be all bad…</p>

<p>Where are all the other celebrities???</p>

<p>I wonder if Brad and Angelina will buy a house there now. Maybe Brad will build his Green City in the damaged areas.</p>

<p>Just think of all the celebs who were falling over themselves to be seen on the Save Haiti telethon that took place ON THE NIGHT of that terrible earthquake or on the ground there the next few days. I guess marathons aren’t needed with the disaster is domestic.</p>

<p>We appreciate anyone who takes time to give a damn, something you can’t take for granted these days.</p>

<p>Sheen said he would bring his celebrity friends back for some sort of charity event.</p>

<p>^^^I heard a celebrity softball game.</p>

<p>Is Charlie handing out booze or water? Sorry, I couldn’t resist. Anyway, if he can help, I am grateful.</p>

<p>He was meeting with the UA baseball and softball players in photos I saw. Lend credence to the idea that he is organizing a celebrity softball tourney.</p>

<p>Please take a look at the new photos of UA students delivering food to Holt, AL. </p>

<p>Follow this link: [Tuscaloosa</a> Tornado: What you can do. | Facebook](<a href=“]Tuscaloosa”></p>

<p>Please take a look at the new photos of UA students delivering food to Holt, AL. </p>

<p>Follow this link: [Tuscaloosa</a> Tornado: What you can do. | Facebook](<a href=“]Tuscaloosa”></p>

<p>sorry for the duplicate post.</p>