Commuting to CSULB in a....

I currently have a 2001 Toyota Camry with 103k mileage on it and so far there are no problems with it. My parents suggested that I invest to get a used Prius so that I can save on gas money when I commute from South Pasadena to CSULB, possible 5 days a week. I’m planning to transfer there in the fall and I’m not sure whether or not I should make the decision to put alot of money into getting a better car. Any Suggestions or comments? Thanks

P.S. I probably will be stuck in traffic most of the time because I have to use the 710 freeway every morning/evening

You could calculate the estimate gas costs of each vehicle for the 4 or 5 yrs that you plan to do to csulb, take the difference between the 2 costs and then compare it to the cost of a Prius minute the trade in value for your Camry. I have not done the math, but my gut feels that it would not be worth it.

What would be worth more is if the 710 had a carpool lane (which it does not (605 and 110 have carpool lanes but 110 u would have to go thru downtown LA which is bad), and u got am electric car with the white sticker which would allow you to ride as a single passenger in the carpool lane. Actually u could do 10 East which is against traffic then 605 south. U would also need to check the range that the electric car could go om 1 charge to see if you could make such a long round trip one 1 charge.

After all the math, I’m willing to bet that it’s better to keep your current car.

I’ve driven long commutes all over LA.

Do you enjoy driving? A prius is the most numb car I have ever driven. There’s no feel through the steering there’s no grip or power which makes it more stressful to pull out and pass people who are driving really slowly. Rear visibility is really bad too. I can understand getting a car that helps you get through the carpool/electric lane though.

Keep the Camry.
Make sure you change the oil in that car every 3 months and have your engine tuned regularly. Our son has a 1999 Camry with about 180K miles and made the trip from Pasadena to San Diego on weekends. He uses it every day to get around town.