<p>Hi. I am planning on going to the UW. I want to commute there but it will be about 40-60 min to get there. Is the parking there horrible? I understand that there's parking close to campus (underground and stuff) but are those usually crowded?
I am also considering taking the bus... is that feasible commuting everyday like that?</p>
<p>Of course, the residence halls are an option, but it may be to late to register for one. Also, it costs a bit too much than I can handle and I have to share bathrooms with people (but that's just being spoilt -.-)</p>
<p>Also, do UW students usually stay late at campus? Meaning, do they have to do a lot of research which will require them to stay on campus late? (This is important if I will be commuting)</p>
<p>Any comments and/or suggestions about commuting, residing near campus will be helpful.</p>
<p>first of all, if youre going to be a freshman this fall then youre not too late to register for a dorm. No one has or even can register yet. Application opens up may 5th. 2 hours of driving doesnt sound appealing to me, so i’d want to live on campus. But if i were you, and i was commuting, i’d take the bus. just much easier then dealing with driving in seattle traffic, dont have to pay or deal with parking, and would probalby be cheaper than gas.</p>
<p>FYI a uw parking past will cost you around 423 a month.</p>
(whether residing in a dorm or driving to campus). If you do end up getting a dorm, ditch the car. I live on campus and pay the fee to park my car…I’m considering selling my car</p>
<p>[UW:</a> FS: Commuter Services: Single Occupancy Vehicle (SOV) Permit](<a href=“http://www.washington.edu/facilities/transportation/commuterservices/parking/permits/single-occupancy-vehicle-sov-permit]UW:”>Getting to UW | Transportation Services)</p>
<p>If I were to commute, would if be more stressful studying? I mean, if I had some research to do, I would have to go to the libraries therefore affecting my commuting time? In other words, are there a lot of papers, etc. that require intensive research which therefore require you to stay on campus later in the evening?</p>
<p>its 400 a quarter… 1200 a year</p>
<p>Yeah that was a typo
1200 is alot of money!!! (actually alot more for me, since I have to pay for the days between quarters + summer quarter as well)</p>
<p>That is a lot of $
But are you guaranteed at parking spot every day?</p>
<p>Sort of. You don’t have a specific spot, just a specific lot. But if your lot is full, there is an overflow lot you can drive to and park w/out getting a ticket. I’ve only had to do that a few times.</p>
<p>[UW:</a> FS: Commuter Services: Overflow Lots](<a href=“http://www.washington.edu/facilities/transportation/commuterservices/parking/permits/overflow-lots]UW:”>Getting to UW | Transportation Services)</p>
<p>List of lots w/corresponding overflow lots
some have no overflow some have quite a few</p>
<p>If you get a UPASS ($99, might go up next year), you can have unlimited access to buses. For the most part, I think people can only handle bus rides if 1) either they aren’t too long, or 2) they’re used to studying (or sleeping?) on the bus. It really depends on you. I know some people who bus for over 2 hours each way to go to school, but they still maintain great grades and an active social/on campus life.</p>
<p>For driving, also take into account how tired you’ll be. I don’t want to encourage driving for anyone who might have to leave home at 6, is really tired, might fall asleep at the wheel, etc…</p>
<p>Its actually around $366 a quarter for students (that’s not much better, but slightly). And it goes for the whole quarter, so you don’t actually have to pay for like winter break or spring break, that’s included in time (the pass doesn’t expire til the next quarter begins)</p>
<p>How much does it cost?</p>
<p>SOV permits cost $423.00 per quarter. The quarterly rate is slightly less costly for students due to the shorter academic quarter; this varies from quarter to quarter. Permits are payable by VISA, Mastercard, check, cash, or Husky Card account. Faculty and staff who buy Annual permits may choose payroll deduction as their payment type.</p>
<p>[UW:</a> FS: Commuter Services: Single Occupancy Vehicle (SOV) Permit](<a href=“http://www.washington.edu/facilities/transportation/commuterservices/parking/permits/single-occupancy-vehicle-sov-permit]UW:”>Getting to UW | Transportation Services)</p>
<p>varies quarter to quarter based on the number of days that’s included and based on your personal needs (if you need to park between quarters like i do)</p>
<p>Here’s this last quarter from my credit card statement:
3/18/2011 3/17/2011 Purchase UW PARKING SERVICES Education $401.85</p>
<p>What about if you need to stay late on campus? like researching or doing a project or something. Is that normal and frequent for UW students? (Affects commuting time)</p>
<p>If you stayed really late, traffic will be really nice. It gets bad around 730-1000 am and 4-6 pm (people going to and from work). If you stay really late, traffic is going to be really nice. Also, starting in a few weeks, they’ll start tolling the SR-520 bridge, which will probably increase traffic on the other highways (not sure by how much).
As for the other person, I’m not really sure what you mean by “in between quarters”. My parking pass for winter quarter was valid from the day they started instruction for winter quarter up until the sunday before instruction started spring quarter, and my spring quarter parking pass started being valid on the first day of instruction for spring quarter, so i’m not really sure where “in between quarters” is. And I actually went to the office and paid in cash, and it was $366 and change both times.</p>
<p>upass will probably become universal next year, meaning everyone will have to pay $76 for one.</p>
<p>In my experience commuters don’t get a parking pass — that’s for students living at UW who want their car with them. </p>
<p>If I am reading your post right, you are commuting?</p>
<p>“Hi. I am planning on going to the UW. I want to commute there but it will be about 40-60 min to get there. Is the parking there horrible? I understand that there’s parking close to campus (underground and stuff) but are those usually crowded?”</p>
<p>I think you would want to park in E1. It’s $6 per day (the underground lot closer to campus is $15 per day). E1 is not crowded – you can always get a spot. 6 dollars per day times 5 days a week times 10 weeks equals 300 per quarter. That’s cheaper than a parking pass because as far as I know, parking passes are designed for people who want to park all night, etc. </p>
<p>Have you seen this website – [UW:</a> FS: Commuter Services: Index Page](<a href=“http://www.washington.edu/facilities/transportation/commuterservices/index]UW:”>Getting to UW | Transportation Services)</p>
<p>I commuted from the outer edge of the Eastside for my last two years at UW, and while it wasn’t the greatest experience, I don’t think it’s worth spending all the money on a dorm unless you really want that experience. If you park in E1 you will save a lot of money and it’s not that inconvenient even if your classes are on the other side of campus. Tons of people commute so you won’t be alone and you can get involved with the campus in other ways. However, be warned that in traffic it would sometimes take me two hours to get home rather than my usual forty minute commute.</p>