Comp engineering vs comp sci vs electrical engr

<p>OK first of all I like all three fields. I like programming, and I like dealing with circuits etc etc.
Possible majors are electrical engineering, computer science and computer engineering. But I feel more inclined to take computer engineering because its a mix of cs and elec engr.</p>

<p>But I want advice from the career point of view. Is computer engineering as marketable when compared to computer science or electrical engineering? According to my belief, a computer science student can do everything a comp engr can do with software, and an electrical engr can do what a comp engr can regarding hardware. So, if an employer is looking for hardware related jobs both comp engr and electrical engr can do the job. But with electrical engr I have opportunities in other areas not covered by comp engr. Most software related jobs whether it be a programmer or a software engineer require a cs degree. So where does CE stand. Is it better to do either of the other two fields?</p>

<p>Bumpity bump</p>

<p>You can do well in your career in all three fields you mentioned. I say, if you like CE, then go for it. At the end of the day, it is you who counts. If you have passion with computer, you shall do well in your classes. Get a high GPA and there shall be ample opportunities in internships and jobs. You shall have no problem establishing a good career.</p>

<p>Perhaps Electrical Engineering major with a Computer Science minor. You don’t need to major in Computer Science to know how to code. Coding is an art; you will develop this with experience.</p>

<p>I can’t imagine a widespread economic condition where if you were an electrical engineer you would be unemployed but if you were a computer science major you would thrive or vice versa.</p>