<p>OK first of all I like all three fields. I like programming, and I like dealing with circuits etc etc.
Possible majors are electrical engineering, computer science and computer engineering. But I feel more inclined to take computer engineering because its a mix of cs and elec engr.</p>
<p>But I want advice from the career point of view. Is computer engineering as marketable when compared to computer science or electrical engineering? According to my belief, a computer science student can do everything a comp engr can do with software, and an electrical engr can do what a comp engr can regarding hardware. So, if an employer is looking for hardware related jobs both comp engr and electrical engr can do the job. But with electrical engr I have opportunities in other areas not covered by comp engr. Most software related jobs whether it be a programmer or a software engineer require a cs degree. So where does CE stand. Is it better to do either of the other two fields?</p>