<p>Can you minor in Comp Sci at Berkeley?
I know that Berkeley has one of the top CS program but I was wondering if I could minor in it.
First of all, I am a complete noob with computers but im still interested in it. Are there still any good/fairly easy classes for beginners in comp sci? if there are, can you suggest them?</p>
<p>Yes, you can minor in it. Just take the pre-reqs if you’re a beginner to see if you like it. (The 61 series + 70)</p>
<p>Yes, you can minor in CS. </p>
<p>Take a look for yourself…
[General</a> Catalog - Computer Science Courses](<a href=“http://general-catalog.berkeley.edu/catalog/gcc_list_crse_req?p_dept_name=Computer+Science&p_dept_cd=COMPSCI&p_path=l]General”>http://general-catalog.berkeley.edu/catalog/gcc_list_crse_req?p_dept_name=Computer+Science&p_dept_cd=COMPSCI&p_path=l)</p>
<p>The only lower division classes you should really stay away from are CS61A, B, and C + CS 70. Look at what you want to learn about (what programming languages, etc). CS 10 is not a bad place to start off.</p>
<p>Yes, you can do an official CS minor:</p>
<p>[Computer</a> Science Minor | EECS at UC Berkeley](<a href=“http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/csugrad/minor.shtml]Computer”>The Computer Science Minor | EECS at UC Berkeley)</p>
<p>Declared CS minors do get higher registration priority than other non-majors for up to three upper division CS courses.</p>