Comparative Literature/Interdisciplinary Critical Theory Grad Programs

<p>Is anyone else applying to these same programs?</p>

<li>Women's Studies - Oxford</li>
<li>Modern Culture & Media Studies - Brown</li>
<li>Rhetoric - UC Berkeley</li>
<li>Media, Culture & Communication - NYU</li>
<li>English & Comp. Lit - Columbia</li>
<li>Film Studies - Harvard</li>
<li>Comp Lit & Film Studies - Yale</li>
<li>Comparative Literary Studies - Northwestern</li>
<li>Modern Thought & Literature - Stanford</li>
<li>Culture & Literary Studies - Carnegie Mellon</li>
<li>Comp Lit. - Cornell</li>
<li>Social Research - New School</li>
<li>Comp Lit. - Harvard</li>
<li>Committee on Social Thought - University of Chicago</li>
<li>Intellectual History - John's Hopkins</li>

<p>If so, can we commiserate and/or share info ?</p>

<p>I’m applying to numbers 9 & 14!!</p>

<p>You did a good job summarizing the postgraduate programs in this nebulous field of semiotics, critical theory, cultural studies, whatever you want to call it…</p>

<p>I’m in the process of applying to Ph.D Programs in #2, 3, and 9. I’m having issues with my statement of purpose… just butterflies, but I guess I’m nervous my interests are too broad. I would be happy to compare and contrast with anyone else applying to anything like these programs.</p>