<p>Since McGill doesnt specifically have a comaprative literature major, would a comparative lit. joint honors program seem like a good option instead?</p>
<p>Because I would think you could essentially do that if you did a joint honors in two languages. Seem doable?</p>
<p>I never really get where half of everyone I ask says that you should stick to one language. I'm taking 3 next year @ McGill. I'm lookin at Beginner french, intermediate spanish, and advanced japanese next year.</p>
<p>Also you cannot really have a comarative literature major in 1 language (well i guess you could if the literature was from two drastically different eras in a civilization...but that's just no fun).</p>
<p>Might be ok for Intro French and Intermediate Spanish because they are all Latin. But taking advanced Japanese without taking any prerequisite courses?? I m not sure if they even let you do that, but your plan sounds interesting good luck.!</p>
<p>haha! no, of course im not taking language courses i can't place into. I've taken four years of Japanese in high school, and combined with all the self study i have done im lightyears ahead of my class.</p>
<p>I talked to a guy in intermediate japanese at McGill and he showed me something he considered hard that he was working on...i didnt have a problem with it. So he and I both thought that if i keep up self studying i should place into advanced japanese no problem.</p>