Comparative Literature R1B -Prereqs question

<p>I've got 5s on both English APs, which (according to a handy pdf) says I'm excused from English 1A (which is very slightly ambiguous, hence my upcoming question).</p>

<p>Right now, my R&C options are down to:</p>

<p>College Writing R4B (with the instructors I can request all getting positive reviews)
or, should I qualify for it
Comparative Literature R1B</p>

<p>My question is: Does a 5 on an English AP Test satisfy the prerequisite for CLR1B, or would I have to take R1A first?</p>

<p>If you got a 5 on AP Lit, you don’t even need to take any R&C B course… but to answer your question, it does satisfy the prereq for any R&CB course</p>

<p>Wanted to take an A, but they were all full. I probably do have to take at least 1 B-list class for Med School (keeping options open), though.</p>

<p>I took the B course first and then the A course later… as long as you have the AP score, you can do take them out of order…</p>


<p>Unfortunately, I’d have to change my Chem Lab to take it, so I think I’ll just stick with College Writing as my primary option.</p>

<p>Welp, only 13 hours until I start spamming the Bearfacts channel with pick attempts.</p>