I have realized today that my son got admit in Computer Systems Engineering in UMass Amherst and not Computer Science (with a scholarship )
Is Computer Systems Engineering worth considering? If any of the members know about this program could you please throw some light?
It seems to be a middle of the road path between Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. The Computer Science part of CSE is not up to par with the Computer Science department however, so, if your son wants to focus on Computer Science, I would suggest your son be prepared to transfer into Computer Science. This is of course given that your son feels prepared to get at least a B in CS 187. https://www.cics.umass.edu/ugrad-education/major-change-cs
Personally, this is why I am double majoring in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering.
@ReqCollatz : Thank you for the response. I have gone through the link provided. When you say that you are “double majoring in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering” , is it to be understood that you are a student of computer systems engineering?
@ReqCollatz :If my son pursues his undergrad in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering (in which he got his admit now), can he pursue his masters in computer science? What are the options / disciplines in front of him , if he wants to pursue his masters ? Like for example, if a students is interested in the area of AI, I think he need to be in computer science discipline. please correct me if Iam wrong
Also where can I get the information regarding the career opportunities for computer systems engineering. I have gone through the areas of undergraduate research , like nano elctronics etc., in the electrical & computer engineering web page of UMass
Sorry I haven’t been on for the past few days. Its not correct that I am a computer systems engineering (CSE) major. Officially, I am a computer science major; however, I am doing a second major in electrical engineering.
The computer systems engineering major attempts to find a middle ground between the two majors, and as a result, I feel that people within the major are not as prepared for the computer science aspect. Here is a link to the curriculum for CSE: https://ece.umass.edu/sites/default/files/CompE_2021_18-0309.pdf
To your question on opportunities for the major, the curriculum for both EE and CSE are very similar, with CSE focusing more on programming. A computer systems engineer should be able to do anything from basic circuit analysis to designing embedded systems to robotics. This is just speculation on my part, so if you want to learn more, I would either google it since CSE is not a major limited to UMass Amherst or contact the office of employment and ask for examples where grads have gone to work.
If your son wants to go on to pursue a degree in computer science, CSE would not be a bad background; however, I would suggest minoring in computer science or math at the least while in undergrad. An engeneer should have a solid bakground in Linear Algebra and Differential Equations, and I feel the department does not do it justice by putting the two into a single class: ECE 201 Analytical Toolsfor ECE (Lin. Alg., Diff. Eq.,Cmplx. Numbers) [4 cr].
Let me know if you have any more questions: I will try to be on more often 
@ReqCollatz : Thank you very much for your valuable inputs. I would bother you, if I need any further clarifications