Comparing Alabama with Oklahoma

<p>So, I visited Alabama the spring of my junior year and really, really liked it. Through all of my visits, it’s remained among my top choices. I’ve narrowed my search down to Alabama and Oklahoma now and I’m going to visit Oklahoma pretty soon.</p>

<p>So, I was wondering if anyone could compare/contrast the schools? I’m guessing a decent amount of students looked at both, since they both offer a great package to NMFs (a benefit I’m lucky enough to enjoy).</p>


<p>Well…what are you looking for in a college? Gimme a few things and then I will tell you!</p>

<p>I’m looking to go into molecular genetics or biochemical engineering. I really like sports and school spirit. I definitely won’t go Greek (not that I hate a school that has it, I think it can add great character to the school). I don’t party. Making friends is cool. Things to do around campus aside from going to sporting events or whatever would be considered a definite plus and having a nice town around campus would be cool. Also, anything you think might be important to add.</p>

<p>Well since you love school spirit and sports and like engineering, I would suggest you go to the University of Alabama! There is so much to do at Alabama besides parties and sports! You will also meet tons of people even if you aren’t part of Greek Life! Also, the people are so kind and have southern hospitality and they make you feel like you’re home! I’m not saying that Oklahoma is a bad school! I just think you would be more happy at Alabama! :slight_smile: good luck!</p>

<p>My son looked at both, and he loves bama! I will say that the ou scholarship is not quite as good as Bama’s. ou has an incredible NM staff there just for you all through college. Both are great choices!</p>

<p>My dd’s last choices also were OU and UA. She loved both schools, but her ultimate decision was UA because of their science program. She is a Chem Major on the Pre-Med track and OU did not come close to the opportunities she would experience at UA. So many more research opportunities and she totally fell in love with with all the new buildings and facilities. It still has the old feel yet new if that makes any sense. :slight_smile: She is so unbelievably happy at UA and it truly was a no brainer for her. I did love both campuses and to tell you the truth I really did love Norman. I don’t think you can do wrong either way, but we are very happy with her decision! Congrats on your NMF status and Roll Tide!!!
P.S She is not involved in the Greek life, does not party and still has lots of fun!</p>

<p>We didn’t visit both, but we did much comparison on paper.</p>

<p>I don’t find Bama’s scholarship any better since the housing was reduced. OU’s flexible to use the tuition for 5 years is nice. </p>

<p>Last year, I asked pghmomof2 to do a comparison because we weren’t finding as much info on OU as we could find on Bama. You can find the post on the Natl Merit sub forum. For her son, it was close, but OU offered far more in his area of major.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I think you will just “know” if you are visiting both campuses.</p>

<p>If Dd had wanted to major in, Meteorology for example, OU’s program in that major (Storm Chasers!) would have been a no-brainier.</p>

<p>On a facility basis, UA has much nicer/newer buildings that are better maintained. The Honors dorms are incomparable at BAMA.</p>

<p>OU is thirty minutes from Oklahoma City, which is a big city. BAMA is close to Birmingham…both campuses are in college towns…</p>

<p>Both have huge fan bases and awesome traditions.</p>

<p>I always think the major is the deciding factor…go to a program that is distinguished.</p>

<p>They are pretty similar. Neither could beat Johnny Football ;)</p>

<p>And Johnny Football couldn’t beat teams that lost to Clemson and Louisville. And he may not beat the criminal rap against him from last summer.</p>

<p>Now, back to the thread.</p>

<p>I could not stomach listening to “Boomer Sooner” for four years, and indeed for the rest of my life as an alumni. The song alone would be enough to make me pick Alabama.</p>

<p>That BOOMER is the Number One dog name…</p>

<p>In TEXAS !!!</p>

<p>Hearing Boomer Sooner all the time is a definite low point, since I’ve grown up a big Mizzou fan and I’m kinda tired of always losing to them.</p>

<p>Anyway, thanks a bunch for everyone’s input. Seems kind of like what I thought, “Both good schools. Choose the one that fits your major and feels right to you.” </p>

<p>And Bama’s scholarship change did definitely hurt. I’d already be committed to Bama if they hadn’t removed the housing part of the scholarship.</p>

<p>If anyone else has some insights upon interesting or notable differences between the two, I’m still all ears. :)</p>

<p>Is Oklahoma the school that still has curfews for students living in the dorms? As someone who occasionally takes a midnight walk and who is a legal adult, the thought of someone telling me that I would be penalized for going outside/off campus at certain hours is absurd. </p>

<p>I agree with the others that it really comes down to your major(s) and how you feel at each campus. I know that I liked the UA campus a lot more than I did some other campuses that have older buildings that show their age. 1970s building styles are very common at some colleges, notably in California and post WWII-buildings are also commonly seen. Neither era of buildings looks very good together. UA has succeeded in making all but two non-dorm buildings have the same style. Only the Ferguson Center Student Union and Law School have the different style, which is the style that epitomizes the 1960s, complete with large patios and staircases with open spaces between the granite steps. All other non-dorm buildings have more of a red brick*/New Orleans style. </p>

<p>*Morgan Hall has yellow brick for historical reasons.</p>

<p>WoolScarves… You might find this post interesting:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Plus, the temperatures are not so cold that you will need “Wool Scarves” very often! ;-)</p>

<p>Thanks to everyone who chimed in. The Alabama community here on CC is fantastic and I’ve read through a number of threads here. I wrote a comparison of the two schools here if you’d like to read it.
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;