Comparision between UVA Neuroscience and VATech Neuro Science

Virginia has amazing in-state publics. You’re very fortunate. In addition to applying to UVA and VA Tech, you may want to select a third Virginia public that you are extremely likely to be accepted to, as both UVA and VA Tech are no longer safeties for in-state students.

Most colleges offer merit aid. Only at the most competitive/selective schools in the country is there generally no merit aid. This site might be helpful to provide information on many popular schools, but if a school is not listed here, check out its Common Data Set (search the web for the colllege’s name plus “Common Data Set”).

The people who post on this forum self-select to participate. But here are a few threads from the last admission cycle where people shared their admission results, and usually their academic stats along with it. I didn’t see a Virginia Tech RD thread, though.

If you need help thinking of out-of-state possibilities, let us know what you’re interested in. What size of school? Do you prefer urban/suburban/rural locations? Is there a particular region or weather that you want to have? How do you feel about an active sports life or Greek life? Do you want more of a pre-professional vibe or a crunchy, hippie vibe (or something else entirely)? What would you like to get out of your college experience? And, most importantly, what is your budget?