CompE and CompSci

<p>I'm going to be a junior in high school and I really like working with computers and technology(interested in, not good at). However, when looking into colleges i noticed the different majors of CompE and CompSci. From what I know, CompE is more hardware and CompSci is more programming. Assuming that, I think I'm leaning towards CompSci;however, I still want to take some EE classes. Is there any blend of the two, like EECS(maybe someone could clarify that for me), or could I major/minor or just do undergrad/grad?
Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>At UCLA and UCSD and probably most colleges, a CS major will be required to take some EE courses. The CompE and CompSci are very similar with the E taking a bit more EE and less programming and Sci vice-versa. It's pretty easy to switch between them after starting since the starting courses are about the same for both of them. They're so similar that there'd be little point of a major in one and minor in another. </p>

<p>Here's a link to some details about ECS at Berkeley - </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>I have noticed that in many universities that CpE is the middle ground for EE and CS. In some schools, they have CpE programs that can let you choose to between a more EE concentration and a more CS concentration. It is also true that even as a EE major you will have to take a few CS course just not as much as a CpE or CS major.</p>

<p>thanks for the clarification</p>