My son got admitted to Engineering college at NCSU . His acceptance letter says " Engineering First year- Computer science Intent " My Question is how competitive is admission to CS Dept ? How many students from Engineering college get enrolled in CS Major ? My son wants to do Game concentration and I guess admission to that is also competitive.
Some help will be really appreciated in knowing what competition we are getting into as in our local college if you don’t get direct admit to CS chances are you may not get in after two years of undergraduate program .
My son is also a Comp Sci intent. They have CODA stats on the NCSU website but if you don’t know how CODA works, they count the grades in Calc 1, 2, Physics 1, and Chemistry and make a GPA with that, called the ESS score and then also the total GPA of all grades. For CSC, they also want you to have taken one CSC course, usually CSC 116 (although AP Computer Science counts for CSC 116, so my son is planning on taking CSC 216). Based on those two scores plus their CSC grade (BTW, they also must complete English 1 and Freshman Engineering classes before they can CODA) they go into a pool and are selected for which engineering based on what they choose as first, second, and third choice (CSC would be first choice). Usually they want at least a 3.5 ESS score and about the same total GPA as a ballpark number but the range is like 3.0-4.3. (You can get a 4.3 for an A+, I believe). If you took AP classes, your scores for that will count, like my son got a 4 on his AP Physics C Mechancis so he will get a B for Physics 1 and an A for the lab. My son hopes to have all his ESS classes finished before he arrives (will be taking Chem this summer at Community College) and will just need the freshman engineering and 1 more english credit (he took 3 credits in community college also) and hopes to CODA into CSC at the end of Fall.