<p>Heelp. I am so ****ing bored at school. My classes are waaay too easy, and I'm in the highest level classes, at a supposedly excellent school. In order to make up for the lack of intensity in my courses, I joined a few things that I thought would be very challenging, but it didn't help; for example, I signed up for arabic, which I anticipated to be especially difficult because I signed up 7 weeks after the classes had already begun, but I got a 104 in that. It sucks. Do you guys feel this way too?</p>
<p>Try these: <a href="http://www.kalva.demon.co.uk/imo.html%5B/url%5D">http://www.kalva.demon.co.uk/imo.html</a>. They'll keep you busy for a while. :D</p>
<p>Only a true nerd without a life would recommend that, ChaosTheory. Outside of class, you couldn't get me to touch math with a ten foot pole. :D</p>
<p>Change classes, OP.</p>
<p>Hey, I've got a life! I'm here, aren't I? :D</p>
<p>Your school must be for morons, because you don't seem that smart to me if you actually think it's bad you finish hw early and have plenty of time to devote to more challenging academic pursuits. Or, by God, join a sport. Go to a party. Get a life.</p>
<p>get a life dude.......i don't do any homework and want less to do.......what is wrong with you. How about you just hang out with your friends (if you have any) or just watch tv, movies, have some fun once in a while..loser</p>
<p>Chaos Theory: College Confidential does not count as having a life.</p>
<p>^I'm sure he was being sarcastic.</p>
<p>To answer your question, some_girl115, no, I do not feel that way. Doing homework assignments, doing stuff for Yearbook, and volunteering take up a good amount of time. There are plenty of times during which I feel bored as well, of course, but if anything, I wouldn't mind if I could lose a load of the things that I have to do.</p>
<p>Are you a freshman? I remember my freshman year I felt the same way, but then sophomore/junior year were a lot harder.</p>
<p>And you could always sign up for abstract algebra. UIowa has an independent study class. It's pretty hard, and if you pass that, you can sign up for Abstract Algebra II.</p>
<p>Just don't noticeably blow off your classes or you'll gain a reputation as a brilliant slacker. "Reputation is everything -- guard it with your life."</p>
<p>You could do National History Day! Although, it may be a little late to start making a project, but it's always fun. <a href="http://www.nhd.org%5B/url%5D">www.nhd.org</a> if you are interseted. Plenty of people here do NHD</p>
<p>Play a sport. That will keep you busy. You can never be perfect at that. Or you could join a club.</p>
<p>I always watch TV or play video games when I'm bored :D .</p>