Completing classes "In Progress" required? (UCI)

<p>Hello everyone.</p>

<p>Firstly, English is not my native language. That said, I apologize in advance if I fail to properly express my concern. I'm currently enrolled at a CC, and I got "admitted" to UCI. I'm very happy about it, but now there is something I'm concerned with: There is a class I'm currently taking that is also listed as "In Progress" but that I would like to drop (Receiving a W). This would result in the completion of only 59 units by the end of the Spring term, but I'm required to complete another class during the summer regardless of weather I finish the 60 units by the end of spring or not. Even if I dropped this class, by finishing the other class during the summer (Which is actually a required class for acceptance at UCI) I'll end up with 62 units (More than the 60 required). Is it possible for me to drop the class I'm mentioning? Would my admission be withdrawn?
I'm also not doing very well in it. It is not like I need a miracle to pass, but I have given it much less priority than I have for other classes that are more related to what I want to perceive in my future. The reason why I'm taking that class is simply because it is a prerequisite for being accepted to UCB. The amount of energy and time I'll have to spend to keep things going well in that class can lead to an overall decrease of performance on my other classes. I have the intention of dropping from it if I'm not accepted to UCB, but I currently got concerned.
I wasn't worrying too much about it because nothing was specified in the parts of the contract I first saw (personalized Transfer Conditions). Then after receiving the mailed letter, I read this": "Complete all courses exactly as listed "in progress" or "planned" as you reported on your UC Application, the Transfer Academic Update tool, or the Message Center. Henceforth, any changes must be communicated only via the UCI Message Center...". I then got confused. What does it mean? I'm obliged to do it? Can I drop it as long as I report the change and still fulfill my part of the contract? Here is what I read today at the UCI website and that got me really concerned: "Student will complete 60 UC-transferable semester units or 90 UC-transferable quarter units by the end of spring 2012 for fall 2012 admission". But here is what I have in my personalized Transfer Conditions: "Complete 90 quarter (60 semester) units of UC transferable coursework prior to transfer". Ever since I read it I considered that my required summer class was included in that category. Meaning that it would be ok for me to drop this class.
I tried contacting my Admissions Counselor by using the message center, but got no answer yet. I would really appreciate if anyone good give any feedback, advice or even better answer my question with certainty.</p>

<p>Thanks you very much for your Attention. Best regards!</p>

<p>Ya, don’t drop it yet, they’re usually very strict on the 60 units by the end of Spring requirement. Don’t do anything until they respond.</p>

<p>I hope someone can answer it here as well. I need to communicate my intent of dropping to the International Students Office in my CC before doing so. The office closes tomorrow and the last day to drop with a W will be before it reopens.</p>

<p>Call them tomorrow, everyone’s situation is unique to them. Only they will really know the answer, as they are the one’s who decide. There’s a good chance they won’t let you drop it.</p>

<p>This situation is gonna be tough for you. You should know you needed to finish 60 units exactly right after “spring” 2012.<br>
I don’t think UCs allow to add units in summer.
I hope UCI makes a special deal with you though.</p>