Complicated Question about UW tuition agreements..

<p>Okay I didn't know where to put this question, but since it's pertaining to the school, I figured here's the best place to ask..</p>

<p>Currently, I'm a Minnesota resident, but this fall I'll be going out of state (Oregon) for college, but I plan to transfer out after freshman year (the reasons are long and complicated). I want to transfer to the UW-Madison, and I know they have the whole reciprocity agreement with Minnesota residents about reduced tuition. And since my mom will be staying here (in Minnesota) for the next couple years, will I still be considered a MN resident? Or will I be an Oregon resident? More specifically, will I still qualify for the MN student reciprocity tuition, or will I be paying out of state tuition when I transfer? </p>

<p>Thanks in advance!!</p>

<p>Minnesota Resident</p>

<p>That really is an odd situation but I am 99% sure you will still be considered a Minnesota resident.</p>

<p>You don't become a state resident for tuition purposes by going to college in a state- you would keep your MN residency; MN would be the final decider on that. Many states allow you to be a resident if you graduated from HS instate, meaning if your parents move OOS after you graduate from HS you don't lose your instate status (this means parents can move after the kids are gone without needing to stick around- they can retire to Florida...).</p>