Comprehending the Science ACT

Science is my bane and has been my worse area because I can not seem to get the timing down. The reason being is because I can not answer some questions just by looking at the data and graphs. Like there are some questions that when I try to look only at the data tables or graphs, I do not see an answer and it frustrates me to no end. Sometimes I would read the passage and find the answer, but only after I don’t get a question after 1-2 minutes of looking at it. What do you guys advise me to do?

Skim the background to understand the basics of the passage. Then look at the axis or lables of the tables and graphs to see what they’re testing. Finally go to the questions and if you can’t solve the question with prior knowledge you just received, then go re read the background (for the most part you will be able to answer the questions with the prior knowledge). Ignore complicated sentence structure and see exactly what the question is asking

For most questions, you should be able to answer by just looking at the charts. The hardest part is deciphering the question because they ask a simple question in a complicated way. In order to improve think about this: The same types of Science questions are often repeated. For example, one type of question that is quite common asks what the trend is in a graph or table (increasing, decreasing, none). My advice is to look back at past tests you have taken to understand the types of questions being asked. In other words, what do the questions have in common from test to test? Also, where on the chart/picture/graph is the answer found? You will find many similarities.