COMPSCI 61A and Math Pre-reqs

<p>I want to start off with COMPSCI 61A for my first semester; however, the pre-reqs for that class include MATH 1A, which is meant for engineering and physical science students. I don't quite know how prepared I am to tackle an engineering mathematics course, and am better equipped to take MATH 16A. My question is how important is MATH 1A for a COMPSCI major or minor? Is 1A required in order to prepare for Discrete Mathematics or Linear Algebra?</p>

<p>As for Math 1A as a prereq for CS61A, it isn't enforced and you won't need calculus for 61A. I think they just suggest Math 1A as a prereq because that's the level of math aptitude that they expect you to be at. There are some instances in the book where they use math examples.</p>

<p>As for math in general for the major, Math 1A is required, both for the major and the minor. There is no substituting 16 series for 1 series because 16 series is meant to be terminal, meaning you're not supposed to take any more math after 16 series. Math 1A-1B is also required for Math 54 and CS70. </p>

<p>And though I haven't taken Math 1A (passed out), I would say don't worry. Even if you have never taken Calculus before, I believe Math 1A starts out slow and is generally pretty easy for most people. Of course, things will get significantly harder with 1B, 54, and CS70, but definitely don't be discouraged. They are not impossible at all.</p>

<p>Thanks a lot this is really helpful.</p>