Computation Media Major vs. Computer Science

Hello all,
Anyone on here have any information on Computational Media at Georgia Tech? How different is it from Computer Science in terms of job opportunities? Someone who has interest in Comp Sci but not crazy about it. He does have passion in media and technologu though. How hard is to transfer to Comp Sci in case he finds it’s not for him? Thoughts?
Thank you!

Why does it matter if they can transfer into CS if the above is true? They already know CS is not their thing.

Well I didn’t say it’s not his thing, he’s jut not crazy about it. Not every teenager knows exactly what thier passion is.

CS is not for everyone. In fact, it’s only really for a few. Sitting in front of a computer screen for 40+ hours a week really has to be a calling.

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I would talk to admissions and ask.

I can’t speak for CS but my son transferred from business to engineering easily. From what I understand GT allows one “freeby” transfer. After that, it’s up to the discretion of the school. I also think that GT admits students that could move between majors and do well anywhere within the school. @Greymeer would probably have more insight.

As for job prospects, I would assume any GT grad in CS or Computational Media would do well.

Your son should also look at DePaul in Chicago. My youngest son is a digital media/film major. We had some overlap of schools with the two. Both really liked DePaul and love Chicago.


You can look at major migration here. Select computational media and see where students graduate.

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