I have this transfer pathway program and I was looking at the majors I’m allowed to transfer into and one of them was computational media. The major sounds awesome as I’m really into video game design and computer science but I was wondering if it would hurt my chances of getting a job as I would be competing with computer science majors. How do employers see computational media? And is it possible to transfer into computer science from computational media?
@EPICBOYXP Computational Media also is similar to a journalism college, if you are interested in journalism. It has aspects of digital design as well. I don’t know that its focused on video games, its focused on MEDIA, so newspapers on line, anything on line and print media, including photography. You can take more classes in CS if you want to, you can always load up on classes at GaTech, no matter what major you are, but there will be some lines to sign up for some computer science classes, and priorities are set by major, so CS seniors are first in line. The priority system for registration at GaTech is a seniority based system. Also GaTech divides CS registration into threads as well, so some classes are limited by thread concentration, but if you get on waitlists, you may still get the classes you want in CS.