Computer Based Honors Application

<p>My son will be applying to Alabama about a week from now. Our understanding is the process is 1) Apply and be accepted to UA; 2) Complete Honors application with essay; 3) Apply to CBH</p>

<p>On CC I have read to not worry about putting a lot of effort into the essay for the honors application as it is not much more than a formality. Is this good advice if one is planning on applying to CBH? Does the honors application become part of the packet that the CBH review board reviews?</p>


<p>My son put very little effort into his regular Honors essay; it was not even 1/2 a page, and he was still accepted into CBH. </p>


<p>when my son was a student-cbh-essay-reader and gave input, he was never shown the UHP essay so it is safe to say that it isn’t looked at.</p>

<p>Thank you. We appreciate the “insider” information.</p>