Computer based honors finalists

<p>I believe that CBHP finalists will be contacted in the first week of February. Does anyone know specifics beyond that? I’m hoping for this Friday!</p>

<p>Also wondering if there’s any word on the street about when they will be inviting CBHP contenders…</p>

<p>I remember seeing somewhere that it is the last weekend in February.</p>

<p>I believe it is the weekend of the 23-24, but I’m not positive. Really hoping we find out Friday.</p>

<p>I meant the invites/notifications, not the interview weekend. Hope it’s tomorrow too!</p>

<p>Called today. We are finding out sometime next week. The woman I spoke to did not specify when, but I assume by next Friday, we will know!</p>

<p>Thanks for sharing…I’ll let my son know. Good luck!</p>

<p>Is CBHP like UFE, where only finalists get emails? I didn’t get an email that I was a finalist, but two of my friends did, so I’m assuming that means I didn’t get it, but I don’t know for sure.</p>

<p>Last year my D got an email saying that she had not been selected as a finalist but would be placed in the reserve pool. She, and several others, were pulled from the reserve pool so if anyone gets that notification, don’t give up hope!</p>

<p>Last year everyone got an e-mail. IIRC, the finalist e-mails went out before those to students who were not finalists</p>

<p>Haha that’s what I’m assuming. Oh well!</p>

<p>So glad I saw this! S’s crimson mail is set to forward to his regular email. Just in case, I told him to check Crimson…yep, invited this morning!</p>

<p>Congrats, MommyDearest!</p>

<p>Spoke with Jane Batson today. She said that e-mails were going out in waves, and everyone would hear something by Friday. There was no indication that all finalists would hear first, so I would assume nothing is definite till Friday. She said they are agonizing over the decisions - apparently every single applicant was more than qualified and they are really struggling this year. Supposedly before last year, it was a bit easier to distinguish among applicants, but last year and this year everyone has been outstanding. Doesn’t really help, I guess, but I thought I would pass it along.</p>

<p>Congrats MommyDearest!</p>

<p>Oh, okay. I’m still assuming I won’t be a finalist, given how competitive it sounds and my lackluster essay, but who knows. Thanks so much for the information!</p>

<p>Congrats to all the Finalists as the notices start to roll out!</p>

<p>Has anyone gotten a rejection email yet? I’m thinking they might be waiting to send them at the end of the week if they’re still deciding, unless they’ve already emailed the definite no’s.</p>

<p>My son hasn’t gotten an email yet. However since they have already emailed a number of finalists it’s a long shot for him.</p>


<p>I think they are waiting to see if anyone says no thanks. The email says “if you decide to decline this invitation, please inform us as quickly a possible so that your spot may be allocated to another worthy candidate”. They ask for a response by 2/12. So don’t give up if you haven’t heard just yet!</p>

<p>We got an invitation but most likely will decline since we are already committed to going to another scholarship interview that weekend (plane tickets were bought last week). Wished they would have notified us earlier so we can at least think about this option.</p>