Computer based honors finalists

<p>My daughter just got her very disappointing letter. The program seemed like a good fit for her. Did all the rejection letters say that students could respond by March 1 to be put express a desire to be put in a pool of alternates? Just wondering if any real hope still exists for her participation in the program.</p>

<p>Thanks for any input.</p>

<p>Hmm. I don’t know. My DS’s said:</p>

<p>“However, we are keeping a small, select group of students in our reserve pool, and you have been selected into this group.”</p>

<p>He had to ask to still be considered by March 1st. So I’m not sure how “small” a pool it is.</p>

<p>Yes, that is exacty what my daughters said. It is an odd predicament - not sure my daughter could ever be content knowing she wasn’t part of the first group to be chosen. Wouldn’t be able to attend the weekend. Guess she has until March 1 to decide!!</p>

<p>As I noted above, there are at least 6 current CBH freshmen who came out of the reserve pool. From my D’s perspective, it didn’t matter if she was the first chosen or the last - she’s in the program enjoying the same benefits as everyone else. However, it is possible (likely?) that a student won’t know if he or she will be chosen from the reserve pool until after May 1.</p>

<p>Do they put all leftover applicants in this “reserve pool”? The letter says “a small, select group of students”, but if 4 people on here including me received this letter, is there really a chance?</p>

<p>greengirl, we wondered the same thing last year. I don’t know the answer, but don’t suspect it to be the case. I don’t think CBH shies away from just saying no. Since my D was one taken from the reserve pool last year, I have to say “yes, there definitely is a chance”.</p>

<p>Our issue is that my S really isn’t sure if he wants to do CBH in the first place. He was hoping that the finalist weekend would help him understand exactly what’s involved in the program and whether it’s a good fit for him. Without going to the weekend, I think he would be reluctant to commit to the program. He hasn’t decided whether he is going to e-mail back to stay in the reserve pool or not.</p>

<p>Last year people on here were joking that the reserve pool seemed Olympic sized. I think there were over a dozen CC posters (or their kids) in the reserve pool. But remember that the folks on CC are an accomplished bunch. While I have no idea how many students were in the reserve pool, I do know for a fact there were students who applied for CBH who were not offered a spot in the reserve pool. I’m not sure how many of the CC students in the reserve pool ultimately decided to attend Bama, but of the 6 people I know of who were accepted from the reserve pool, 5 of them (or their parents) post on this forum.</p>

<p>This is my first time posting but I visit CC everyday. So much information that I am thankful for came from those who post everyday. I can’t thank you enough. My S is a freshman this year and applied late to the CBHP last year. He was put in the reserve pool and got one of the last spots at his BAMA Bound session in June. He sent a note to Jane Batson and Dr. Sharpe introducing himself and thanking them for still considering him as well as communicating when he was coming to Bama Bound to set up a time to interview. He is majoring in Chemical Engr., is in the STEM to MBA program, as well as in the CBHP He is very busy but having the time of his life. LOVES UA! For those of you who may be in the reserve pool and really want to be in this program, communicate to them that you want it!</p>

<p>savanna - how is it working out doing the STEM MBA with CBHP? One of my S’s concerns is that being a CS major, doing the STEM MBA, and doing CBHP all together will be too much. Has your S found it manageable so far?</p>

<p>Lisa: My D is a sophomore and in both the STEM MBA and CBH. She is managing just fine. The MBA class is only 1.5 hours per term. They have been working in groups pitching ideas. The last idea had to do with bamboo. They made a fake menu featuring bamboo dishes. Others probably had other ways to use bamboo. </p>

<p>My D had to choose a research project for CBH this year. Her STEM MBA teacher put her touch with someone. She is doing the research and after her CBH presentation, she was offered a part time job! The CBH student chooses a research project in their sophomore year. Don’t worry, there is a list of possible projects. The professors LOVE to have help!</p>

<p>Oh, she is an electrical engineering major. She has learned time management!</p>

<p>I’m in the reserve pool as well, but I’m not sure whether or not I want to remain in the pool. Honestly, without CBHP, I’m not sure Alabama has enough to attract me over Barrett at ASU. Maybe I’ll stay in anyway just to see what happens. Glad we finally know though!</p>

<p>MissxSilverwing - What does Barrett at ASU offer? I’m not familiar with that school, but just looking at rankings (I know, I know, rankings shouldn’t matter) ASU is ranked significantly lower than UA. What would make you go there over UA? This is genuine curiosity, I’m not trying to be snarky! I just like learning about other schools and opportunities. :)</p>

<p>Yeah, without CBHP, Alabama probably goes from near the bottom of my list to out of the running. Do the reservists really not find out until May 1 or later? Not an option.</p>

<p>ASU is lower in US news, but Barrett’s stats (3.8 average GPA, 29 ACT) are better than Alabama’s and overall ASU is a really up and coming school (they also offer full tuition+ for NMF). Barrett also offers a more comprehensive honors experience than Alabama from what I’ve seen - it has it’s own campus and feels much more like a college within a larger school than Alabama did for me. A lot of it is also personal - I’m not into Greek life at all, not as big on Southern culture, want a bigger city like Phoenix, prefer the climate, etc.</p>

<p>While I haven’t had the time to visit ASU when I’ve been in Phoenix/Tempe/Mesa, it’s a very popular school for many students from the West Coast due to its easy to get to location (light rail access* to PHX Sky Harbor International Airport) weather, OOS scholarships/tuition discounts, attractive student body, and alleged party atmosphere. The Barret Honors College has a good reputation, but I seem to recall that it is more difficult to keep ones scholarship at ASU than it is at Alabama.</p>

<p>*There is a free bus from the airport to the nearest light rail station until construction of the airport light rail extension is completed within the next couple of years.</p>

<p>While I understand the desire to attend a school because of a specific program and only really consider attending if one is accepted into said program, the logic assumes that one cannot have a good experience at that school unless they are in said specific program. Unless the school physically blocks you from going to other classes and interacting with students not in that program, the program is only going to be part of your college experience. Some selling points of UA’s honors program are that it’s more flexible (some colleges’ honors programs require a lock-step program that replaces a large amount of lower division courses, which can negate any AP or dual enrollment credit) and that UA’s Honors College functions both as an academic and social resource for honors students. Want to do something unique at UA, contact the Honors College for help making that desire a reality.</p>

<p>And trust me, I know all of that :slight_smile: I’ve done my research. But even with CBHP, I don’t think I would go. It’s just not a good fit.</p>

<p>Best of luck wherever you do decide to attend Missxsilverwing.</p>

<p>Well - I though I posted but I don’t see it. My son was also offered the reserve pool which he will likely accept however he would also be interested in the STEM to MBA program as well but he has not received an invitation although he meets the criteria listed on the other thread. Should he contact the Dr Sharpe or the dean of Enhineering for info? Thanks -</p>

<p>For info on the STEM MBA program I would contact Dr. Robert Morgan in the Business school. I believe he still the head that program. My S is in STEM MBA & CBHP and loves both programs.</p>