Computer Based Honors Notification

Has anyone found anything out yet? When in previous years have they announced invitations? I’m so excited to find out!

Way back in 2012 my daughter got her “rejection” e-mail on February 7. I assume the students who were selected to attend finalist weekend got their e-mails slightly before that. Although she was not invited to finalist weekend, my daughter was admitted to the program from the reserve pool and participated in CBHP for 4 years.

Last year I received my invitation in late January, about a week from now. I am happy you’re excited for the program and I wish you and the other applicants the best of luck!

Too early…wait until end of month or beginning of Feb.

Does anyone know how many people applied last year?

Got my UFE rejection letter yesterday, but I just got my CBHP finalist invitation email!

Congratulations, @d012939!!!

Congratulations! ^

I got rejected, but I had already decided I will be attending UVA! Congrats to all who makes it!

Congratulations to all that were accepted as finalists! I did not get an invitation for the finalists’ weekend at the end of February, but I did make it in to the reserve pool. I have heard from many on College Confidential that the reserve pool is not a soft rejection. Fingers are crossed! Thanks for all of the advice, everyone!

Thanks everyone for your kind spirit and congratulations. I’m just curious if anyone knows how many they selected as finalists? I know they select 40 for the program, but I have no idea how many I’m still up against

First, try not to think of yourself as up “against” anybody. The only person you’re competing against at this point is yourself. (in other words, so long as you don’t behave like an idiot at the finalists’ weekend, you’ve got a good shot.) And, frankly, being offered a trip to campus (complete with a stay at the Hotel Capstone!) is a pretty special opportunity - just make the most of it. :slight_smile:

Past posts suggest that some 60 candidates are invited to the weekend, the number who attend may be somewhat less, and some 25 - 30 will be selected:

And here’s some advice from @mom2collegekids for those who will be attending:

Sadly, I didn’t receive an invitation to the weekend, but I’m excited to have been put on the waitlist! Did anyone else receive a spot on it?

Thank You for the links, @dodgersmom There is so much good information and helpful tips on this forum. DD is so excited to have the chance to interview for CBH. We made her flight reservations today.

DS received an invitation to interview as well. He is very excited for the opportunity! @fidoprincess is your DD flying in to Birmingham on Sunday? From where we live, connections to Birmingham aren’t so great…

@VryCnfsd, Congrats to your son. It’s good to see the kids excited about such a special opportunity.

We are in California and there are no non-stop flights to Birmingham so DD will have a long trip to get there. There is no flight on Sunday that arrives by the required time so she will arrive late Saturday. They mentioned in her email that it might be necessary flying from West Coast so I guess they know it’s pretty difficult. They didn’t say in the email what time activities would be over on Monday and the few flights left early Monday morning so DD will leave Tuesday morning. I think missing two days of school will be well worth the experience for DD.

Where are you located? Can your son fly on Sunday morning and arrive in time? Did your son also apply to Fellows?