Computer Based Honors Program Notification

^^TIGTEAM^^ congrats to you & your daughter!

My DD received her acceptance letter today as well!!! We are so excited!!

My D received her letter as well! Congratulations all! Big decisions in the future…

Our son received his acceptance today also. He is leaning toward another school, but he enjoyed his time at Bama! It This has definitely been a hard decision! We have nothing but praise for CBHP and the honors college staff. They have been the most welcoming of any admissions staff that we have come across. This is our 4th child to leave home, so we have done quite a few of these college trips. All I can say- well done Bama!

Congrats to everyone! I have not heard of anyone on the waiting list yet…but if you are, one more spot will soon be open. To the parents I met during the CBHP weekend- thank you. It was a fun and informative time of sharing college information, comparing what we have learned and getting to know a little about your wonderful children. I wish you each the best in the coming years.

Oh…and to BocaTerp dad- you still win the college visit medal! I know you are a proud dad tonight! Congrats!

^^jmkepcc…best of luck to you and your son, it was great sharing war stories with you over dinner!

Son received his acceptance letter today! So proud of him. Thrilled for all who have gotten their letters and continued good wishes for those still waiting to hear.

Congrats!! Best wishes to all making final decisions!

Our son’s letter arrived a short while ago and we’re so happy for him and all of the others who will join in the CBHP Freshman Class of 2015!! Roll Tide!

Good luck to those who might still be waiting.

Daughter just received notification letter, super excited.

@mom2collegekids: Just want to say thank you very much for you many suggestions and comments.

DS acceptance letter arrived today - he is waiting to hear from one more school and then it’s decision time! I agree with the above sentiment - the CBHP folks (Mrs. Batson) are a class act!

Just a reminder to any who weren’t chosen to attend CBH weekend, but remain in the reserve pool-“It ain’t over til it’s over”. You can’t plan on it, but don’t lose hope. My DD was pulled in late out of the reserve pool, as was her bf the year before. She had a great first semester in CBH! I remember reading this same kind of thread last year and thinking she had missed out…but she hadn’t. There will be slots opening as some (as above are posting) choose other schools. So hang in there!

For those in the reserve pool, this is a great time to contact Dr. Sharpe and Mrs. Batson about your continued interest in the program.

For those who are in the reserve pool and who might not be pulled into the program, you are very intelligent individuals who likely could do very well in the program. As I’ve heard Mrs. Batson say on multiple occasions, the nature of the CBHP selection process and limited program size means that CBHP misses out on some students who would’ve been excellent members of the program.

My DS (who was selected & will accept invite to CBHP) has spoken to at least 3 students who were accepted, but will not attend…so there’s at least 3 right there.

@BocaTerp I thought your son was going to accept?

^^saismom^^…He is

Yes, @SEA_tide‌ is correct, Now is the time to once again state your continued interest in the program. Write a polite e-mail thanking Mrs. Batson and Dr. Sharpe for the CBH weekend and renewing your interest in the program.

I do hope that all weekend participants have written a " thank-you" note regardless of their acceptance status in the program. It is proper to acknowledge your thanks when getting invited to these events. This is also a helpful hint when winning scholarships, awards and honors. If you are declining, write a short “no thank-you” note as well. The Academic World is not so large that you won’t meet these people at some other time, but more than that, it is right to acknowledge their guidance and hospitality.

Does anyone know when the deadline was to accept the invitation to CBH program? DS is in the reserve pool and CBH was a big Bama draw for him.

He did not get invited to the interview w/e but got the letter… “Once we have a good idea of the number of students invited to the CBHP who will not attend the University, we will offer admission to students from our reserve pool to fill the remaining seats.”


Replies were asked to be given by April 30th

Thank you for the information!

You can’t count on any particular “date to hear by”…my DD and her bf (a year older) were both pulled out of the Reserve Pool very late…over the summer. Good luck!