Computer Engg, but also Graphic Design?

<p>Hello CC!</p>

<p>I live in India (US citizen), and I'm in the 12th grade currently.</p>

<p>I love computer programming, so it's natural for me to get into Computer Engineering. But I would never like to do "blind coding". I want to develop software FOR design. I'm really interested in Graphic design as well.
My question is, is Graphic Design a major, and if so, are there colleges that have Graphic Design as a major, as well as Comp Science and other science subjects like Physics and Mathematics? </p>

<p>Thanks! </p>


<p>Well I don’t know if you’re asking about colleges in America but that’s what I know so I’ll answer.</p>

<p>“Graphic design” and related majors would fall under the umbrella of arts. Commercial art maybe, but still art, though I imagine a certain amount of technical knowledge and skills are useful (especially for 3D cg).</p>

<p>The production of software for computer graphics, however, falls under the umbrella of computer science (computer engineering is a more hardware-focused degree).</p>

<p>If you want to be a programmer who works on the creation and development of software like Photoshop, Maya, Softimage, Blender, etc., then you want to major in computer science.</p>

<p>If you want to be an artist/designer who USES software like Photoshop, Maya, etc. to create art and designs then you could either try teaching yourself or go to school for it. There are dedicated art schools and there are art departments within traditional schools.</p>

<p>I have no idea what “blind coding” means.</p>

<p>And there are majors in math and physics and other sciences.</p>

<p>If you choose the software path you could look for CS programs which have some additional coursework in HCI, GUI etc. For example: </p>

<p>Media/Creative Computing Track
This track is intended for students wishing to prepare for entry-level positions in game engineering, animation programming, and media technology or graduate studies in those areas as well as research in entertainment uses of computing and HCI. Built upon the proposed HCI track, this track is an alternative to a graphics track for students excited by applications of computing in entertainment.</p>

<p>General background:</p>

<p>"Game technology is hot. To anyone who has seen the massive job fairs at SIGGraph and game conferences, jobs in this area are currently in very high demand by companies such as Disney, Pixar, SKG/Dreamworks, Electronic Arts, Lucas Arts, and other large media and game companies. UC Santa Cruz has recently inaugurated a BS in Game Engineering degree program. In its first year, it has proven to be wildly popular. Its core coursework in math and computer science is almost identical to their BS in Computer Science; there are a few changes to the CS curricula to make it more specific to games, along with the addition of a few new classes. While our track is not strictly a game engineering program such as the UC Santa Cruz program, it should attract a number of additional majors to our program, who should be able to bring their skills to high-visibility employers.</p>

<p>However, the bigger picture is that this track would be the core preparation for “creative class” computer scientists. Richard Florida has identified a new “creative class” of designers and technologists; he argues that most new hot trends and products are created by this creative class. (See [Creative</a> Class Group](<a href=“]Creative”> .) The course work in this track emphasizes facility with various media, integrated design of software and content, and thinking outside the box. Thus, as new cultural forms emerge that utilize digital technologies, students from this program will have an appropriate foundation to participate, or with further work at the graduate level, to lead."</p>

<p>I think you will find that many CS programs at state universities offer something similar to the above. Basically, you get a CS degree with a few courses that are geared toward design. At the above school those courses are: Intro to HCI, Intro to GUI, Multimedia Hypertext and Information, Design of Information, and Creative Computing Studio.</p>

<p>Good luck with your research.</p>

<p>Wow. That makes a lot of sense! Thank you so much guys! </p>

<p>Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 4 Beta</p>