Computer engineering or double major of computer science and electrical engineering?

<p>Hey i was wondering if i should double major in computer science and electrical engineering or just take computer engineering. I heard computer engineering was the hybrid or both electrical engineering and computer science; so would it be a waste of time double majoring? In the future i plan on programming and/or making/fixing hardware. Also can you list the pros and cons of taking computer engineering and double majoring and what you recommend.</p>

<p>Take EE, and then add some CompSci classes. In EE you can specialize in circuit design. And there are embedded systems classes that teach low level programming.</p>



<p>No. computer engineering != 50% CS and 50 % EE. It’s really an electrical engineering degree that has a little more focus on digital design, programming, and computer architecture. And when I say “a little more focus” i mean like 4 -5 classes that differ from the traditional EE curriculum. You can actually double major in EE and CmpE. You won’t gain much from it though. I was a CmpE and took ONLY three CS classes: pusedo programming (this isn’t even programming), Java, and C. Not as much as you’d think huh? That being said, you’ll learn a lot about hardware languages and such in your EE classes.</p>