<p>I just got home from a University of Wisconsin - Green Bay campus tour with more questions than which I went with.</p>
<p>What I guess I don't understand is the difference between Computer Science and Computer Engineering. Is there a difference? Why is it that almost every college offers Computer Science course but not Computer engineering? How does UW-Milwaukee offer a Major in Computer Engineering without even having any Computer Engineering Courses to offer??</p>
<p>I have a strong desire to work in the field of computers, designing and building computers. Is that engineering, science, or even software engineering? I also have a strong desire to become a business manager. Which adds even more questions into the mix. What I really need help on, is trying to find colleges to apply to that not only offer not only Business Majors, but also Computer Engineering Majors (If thatÂ’s what designing and building Computers actually is.)</p>
<p>The real kicker though is that I would like to stay in Wisconsin, being from the family that I am in, I couldn't afford MSOE or Marquette, which also kinds of knocks out other colleges because of out of State Tuition. Can anyone answer my questions about the differences of Computer Science and Computer Engineering and know of any University of Wisconsin Colleges I should look into?? </p>
<p>Thanks Much for the Help!</p>
<p>s1erra 7i2</p>