I’m going to be a freshman at Boston University next year. I got accepted into the College of Engineering. So right now I’m a computer engineer major. But I’m still very undecided on my future major. Which one do you think is better? Computer Engineering or just Computer Science? I do want to program in the future but I’m unclear about some of the fundamental differences between the two. Can somebody specify them for me? Also is it easy to change majors at Boston University? Computer Science is in the School of Arts and Sciences so if I do decide to change majors, I’ll have to change to a completely different school…
Thanks for your help!
At BU computer science (CS) and computer engineering (CE) are similar, but are also pretty different. For one, CS will get you started programming right at the beginning, while in CE you learn the fundamentals of engineering a little before you learn to program (this is not always true because you can take Python your first semester of you really want to, but eventually you will need to take the engineering courses). They will both teach you to be a great programmer, but CE will also focus on what programming actually means to a computer. (I.e. Machine Code, Assembly, Logic Design, Computer Organization), while CS will focus on theory and things like algorithms. Looking at the course requirements of both will give you a more in depth description.